IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2014 Issue №3

The diagnostics of regional asymmetry of innovative development of small enterprises


The subject of this study is the influence of area factors on the innovation activities of small enterprises. The main theoretical aspects of regional asymmetry of economic development are analyzed. The article presents the author’s method of assessing regional asymmetry of small enterprise innovation development and the mechanism of its diagnostics tested in the case of the regions of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation. The most meaningful factors affecting innovation activities of small enterprises are identified.

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The flow form of economic matter movement and the concept of levels


Every science uses the concepts, in which the knowledge accumulated by it is concentrated. The methodology of economic logistics is a general theoretical approach to studying material and related flows in economic systems that based on a special understanding of reality within a certain philosophical framework. As science, logistics applies the laws of organization of elements into a functional whole as a result of the practices of logistic structure formation. Alongside general laws, the system of logistic knowledge includes the laws of philosophy, general economic theory, as well as the laws, categories, and concepts identified and brought to a certain level of generalization by logistics itself.

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