IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2013 Issue №9

The role of brand ecosystem in solving the tasks of hi-tech product marketing


This article analyses an efficient method of interacting with customer, which is aimed at the successful adaptation of innovations. It is noted that, in hi-tech markets, such interaction with all groups of customers can be carried out through a strong brand, whereas special importance is attached to the creation of the brand’s ecosystem, which would make it possible to offer the customer package solutions and include them into the value added chain.

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The cluster approach in tourism development in the Kaliningrad region


The development of the tourism industry in the Kaliningrad region is identified as one of the priority areas of economic development. The existing tourism and recreational potential, favorable climatic conditions, and a large number of cultural and historical sites should contribute to the effective development of the region. The cluster approach should become a catalyst for the development of tourism and hospitality industry, which makes it possible to employ a comprehensive approach to the territorial development.

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The asymmetry of small and medium business development at a regional level


This article proposes a practical method for estimating the regional asymmetry of small and medium business development and presents the results of its approbation in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia. The author makes a conclusion that small and medium business is developing unevenly. The author's method can be used in studying other aspects of the asymmetry of economic development as well as in drawing up small and medium enterprise stimulations programs.

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The modelling of functional and object development of integrated coastal regional systems


This article presents recommendations on the modelling of a functional and object development of coastal regional systems that would ensure the system adaptation and manageability in the conditions of environment uncertainty. To this end, the author employs the method of system definition, which makes it possible to identify the connection between the basic elements of the regional system ensuring its integrity and stability. Such approach to the system modelling ensures continuity and flexibility in managerial decision-making.

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On the territorial differences in chain organisation of retail in the Russian Federation


The relatively rapid – however slower than forecasted — development o retail chains is characteristic of Russia in general, nevertheless it exhibits significant territorial differences. An attempt to identify the factors behind these differences through calculating the correlation coefficient made it possible to detect only one factor, whose value is close to essential: the geographical remoteness from Moscow. However, many regions of central Russia have a low share of retail chains. One cannot exclude that a significant role in the development of interregional differences is played by institutional factors, which can become a focal point of further research.

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