IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2013 Issue №6

The legal status of the allotment land in the period of P. A. Stolypin’s agrarian reform


This article analyses the changes to the legal status of various categories of allotment during P.A. Stolypin’s agrarian reform. It is shown that the introduction of the institution of personal property (which is not identical to private property) did not mean the elimination of rural community’s ownership of a significant part of the allotment land.

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The Awareness Department of the Don Government in 1919


This article is devoted to the Department of Awareness of the Don Government and its activities during the Russian Civil War. The author describes in detail the structure of the organization, it principal activities, and the reasons behind its closure. The author pays special attention to the political situation in Russia in 1919 and the importance of agitation during the disintegration of the old foundations of the state.

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Self-employment of Russian population in the second half of the 1980s: the case of the Black Earth Region


This article analyses the process of development of Russian population’s business activities during the early Perestroika period. The case of Central Black Earth regions helps examine the outcomes and complications associated with the establishment and functioning of cooperatives producing consumer goods and providing personal services.

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