IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2013 Issue №3

Tools for developing and implementing the innovative policy of a region


This article focuses on the tools of development and introduction of innovation policy at the mesolevel, which serves as an integral part of the innovation policy of a state and the driving force of regional competitiveness. The author presents the results of innovative activity ranking of Russian regions, pays attention to the innovative potential of the Kaliningrad region, and considers the decisions of public authorities and the recent developments in the field of innovations in Russia.

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The development of a mechanism for stimulating the innovative activity of small enterprises


This article analyses the current problems of stimulating innovation activity of small businesses in the Russian Federation. The problems of development of financial institutions for innovation support, financial and production-technological subsystems of the innovation infrastructure, and staff recruitment are examined in the case of the Kaliningrad region. Special attention is paid to the problems of business incubator creation and functioning.

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Strategic competitiveness of organisations in knowledge economy


The process of ensuring the strategic competitiveness of organisations in the conditions when knowledge assets become the decisive development factor is analysed. The author considers a number of modern research concepts striving to explain the development and sustaining of stable competitive advantages of organisations in the dynamic environment of global economy. The article explores the features of the impact of development programmes of the leading educational centres on strategic competitiveness.

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The impact of innovative factors on the development of Russian regions


This article explores the influence of innovative factors on the gross regional product. The following statistic indicators are chosen as factors: the volume of innovative goods, works and services and expenditure on technological innovations. The calculations are performed through the method of correlation analysis for thirty three regions and three federal districts of Russia. The 2000—2010 official statistical data are used. The authors substantiate the possibility of using the correlation analysis for evaluating the connection between innovative processes and regional development.

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