IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2013 Issue №3

The development of regional aspects of theory of entrepreneurship


This article analyses major approaches to the development of entrepreneurship theory relating to its regional aspects. The author emphasizes the need and describes the possibility of applying interdisciplinary approach to the development of regional aspects of entrepreneurship theory. The theoretical assumptions and conclusions presented in the article can be used in research on theory of entrepreneurship and the preparation of training, methodological, and research literature.

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Approaches to entrepreneurship development through assessing the validity of economic knowledge


This article emphasizes the need to develop methodologies through applying valid economic knowledge within research approaches used in writing final and PhD theses in order to apply this knowledge in the development of entrepreneurship in the context of model approaches. The proposed methodological approach in the field of economic education contributes to the training of highly qualified specialists in economics.

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The problems of assessing the efficiency of budget investment finacning through the prgoramme-target method


The article describes the major legal acts regulating the transition to budget planning through the program-target method, offers an analysis of the general features of planning the federal and Kaliningrad regional budgets through this method, considers the concepts of investment, budgetary investment, and the procedure of its realization within the regional budget, and describes the requirements for investment projects, as well as the problems of assessing efficient financing of budgetary investments evaluation.

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The evolution of the essence of the concept of “business efficiency” and its features in the regional media business


This article classifies the concept of "business efficiency", which have been used by economic scholars for a long time. The innovative component of this work lies in the authors’ definition of media business efficiency alongside the identification of the primary goal of media company management in today’s Russia. The article offers a classification of methods of identifying different types of efficiency of media structures.

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