IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Humanities and social science

2011 Issue №3

The trajectories of university education modernisation with the use of contemporary forms of international university cooperation


This article focuses on the key levels of internationalisation of higher education in Russia against the background of implementation of Bologna process principles. The authors analyse the experience of the Faculty of Economics of the Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow State University of putting into practice the models of joint master's degree programmes.

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The academic policy of the leading Russian universities as an indicator of multi-level degree system implementation


This article examines the development programmes of leading Russian universities, their licenses and non fee paying student admission plans for each level of higher education. This analysis serves as the basis for identifying the shortcomings of the multi-degree system implementation; the author suggests measures to remedy these shortcomings.

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The strategic aspects of regional and small business development in the enhancement of vocational training


Рассматривается содержание ряда программ социально-эконо­ми­че­ского развития Калининградской области, в том числе связанные с под­держкой малого предпринимательства. Обосновывается необходимость учета содержания обозначенных программ в формировании спе­циализи­рованной программы развития среднего профессионального об­разования.

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