IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2022 Issue №2

Psychological health of senile men and women during the COVID-19 pandemic


The article discusses the issue of maintaining psychological health in men and women of senile age in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample consisted of 100 respondents aged 74 to 98, living in a family and in a nursing home. Negative characteristics of psychological health in men and women of senile age were revealed: low level of life satisfaction, low mental activation and emotional tone, high level of stress. A higher level of anxiety and more pronounced depressive tendencies were found in respondents living in a nursing home. The significance of differences was assessed using the Mann — Whitney U-test. The empirical results of the study led to the conclusion about the relevance of the development of preventive and corrective psychological measures in order to maintain the psychological health of the elderly. Psychological work must be targeted at depressive manifestations, situational anxiety, general neuropsychic tension, level of life satisfaction, general emotional background. The developed program will be in demand for reducing negative manifestations in the mental state of the elderly in the conditions of active modern social transformations, since mental reactions to dangerous situations are largely similar and universal.

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The problem of cognitive deficiency in breast cancer patients


The article siscusses the works on the psychological support for people with an oncological diagnosis, namely, with breast cancer. The range of psychological research and therapeutic practices is narrowed to the study of the features of cognitive functions characterized by deficiency. Also in the work, based on the research results available to date, the hypothesis of the presence of cognitive deficits is put forward and theoretically substantiated even before the oncological diagnosis.

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Distant learning in the Institute of Medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic


The article examines the problematic issues of teaching medical students during the COVID 19 pandemic. In total, 73 students of the 6th year of the medical institute took part in an online training. Instead of three levels of teaching, typical for the “Pain management” course, two were left, i. e., “Theoretical knowledge” and simulation online training “The Interview”. In the end of the course the students were to take an anonymous questionnaire to meet their achievement needs. The research has proved that the online teaching can be viewed as an alternative multifunctional pedagogical instrument to educate students of the Institute of Medicine. Mind maps and “Annotation-interview” were effectively designed for new educational demands and were approved of by the students. But it should be taken into consideration that the effectiveness of the training is technically dependent and implies that all the lecturers and the students have to be supplied with personal computers with the latest software and the stable high-speed Internet.

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Sociobiological psychotherapy of eating disorders


On the modern provisions of social biology and ethology, the original method of psychotherapeutic work with patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia is conceptually substantiated and described in detail. The presented information and analytical technology rely on the concept of evolutionarily stable behavior strategies and is a variant of emotional stress therapy adequate for patients with autodestructive and potentially disastrous behavior.

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Procedural texts in the formation and assessment of functional literacy in the primary school


The article analyses the possibilities of using procedural texts for the formation and assessment of the functional literacy of elementary school students on the basis of an independent assessment of the results of primary education within the framework of the PSHPU Quality Cluster project. This study relies on the method of comparative analysis of Russian and foreign scientific sources, the principle of unity of historical and logical. The methodological foundations of the research are the concepts of “zone of actual development”, “zone of proximal development”, “independent assessment”, “activity approach”, “meta-subject coordination”. Finally, the texts for the development and assessment of functional literacy were classified: explanatory and procedural, continuous and non-continuous, the structure of the procedural text was identified. An independent assessment of functional literacy resulted in the description of the main difficulties that arise when primary school students work with similar texts. The author notes the need for appropriate training of primary school teachers.

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