On the functional definition of concepts and linguistic meanings: the embodied/grounded approach
The article suggests a way to overcome two well-known problems of embodied/grounded theory of cognition: the impossibility of strict differentiating modal and amodal symbols, and the difficulty in defining abstract concepts/simulators (abstract lexical meanings). The proposed functional approach is based on the dichotomy 'perceptual (external) vs. functional (internal)' that goes back to Ivan Sechenov. These cognitive units are shown to play fundamentally ...
Centres for the generation of scientific publications of the international level in the regions of Russia
... at various spatial levels. The aim of this work is to identify centers for the generation of scientific knowledge in Russia using scientometric methods, as well as to classify regions by the level of scientific productivity. The bibliographic and abstract database Scopus and the analytical toolkit Scival were taken as a data source. The study revealed the spatial distribution of new knowledge on the territory of Russia, the largest centers, the dynamics of their productivity growth and indicators ...
Distant learning in the Institute of Medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic
... technically dependent and implies that all the lecturers and the students have to be supplied with personal computers with the latest software and the stable high-speed Internet.
Perepelitsa S.A.
medical education, pandemic, distance learning, mind map, abstract, simulation training
Public law entities and the theory of the subjects of law
... известия. 2007. № 67—68.
13. Чиркин В. Е. Публично-правовое образование. М., 2011.
14. Чиркин В. Е. Юридическое лицо публичного права. М., 2009.
Borisov A. М.
abstraction, public law entity, subject of law, legal entity, legal fiction