IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2021 Issue №3

Diachronic changes in the system of adversary conjunctions of the French language


The article analysies complex and ambiguous historical processes in the system of adversative сoordinators at the early stage of the development of the French language (IX—XVI centuries). After having analyzed the data of the Old and Middle French subcorpuses of the French National Corpus Frantext with distributive, functional-semantic, logical-semantic and contextual in­struments and the transformation method, the author established quantitative and qualitative changes in the system of adversative сoordinators in the indi­cated periods. It is revealed that the gradual disappearance of the сoordinator ainz 'but', the growth of the use of the сoordinator mais 'but' and the emer­gence of new units with a specialized adversative meaning seulement 'only', néanmoins 'for all that', nonobstant 'despite', cependant 'meanwhile', tou­tefois 'however, nevertheless', au contraire 'on the contrary', pourtant 'howe­ver' are interdependent processes and reflect the growing tendency to­wards analyticism in the language. Two non-identical ways of using new ad­ver­sa­tive units are established, which are functional equivalents of the adver­sa­ti­ve сoordinator mais ‘but’. The author defines the assimilation of the se­mantic and combinable properties of new units to the adversative сoordinator mais ‘but’ (a combination of two components, the content of which is either opposed or modified). New units with an adversative meaning can act as con­cretizers of the сoordinator mais ‘but’ in the Middle French language.

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State verbs in the progressive aspect in the contempo­rary Indian English


The article analyzes the texts of the English-language periodicals and the works of the English-speaking Indian writers to see how the continuous aspect (Progressive / Continuous aspect) is used with state verbs: physical percep­tion, emotional state and mental activity. Authentic texts of Indian national and regional print media were used as research material: editorial and news materials, interviews, wedding announcements. The analysis of authentic English-language Indian texts allows us to consider the use of state verbs in the temporal forms of the long-term aspect as one of the characteristic features of the current Indian version of the English language.

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Functioning of english loanwords in the scientific and educational discourse of the modern polish language


The article deals with the English loanwords functioning in the scientific and educational discourse of the modern Polish language. The central part of the frame "the main directions of education" is verbalized by the semantic doublet internacjonalizacja/ umiędzynarodowienie. The lexical units mo­bilność, kolaboracja, transfer are defined as hyponymics through which educa­tion is getting internationalized. The neologism interesariusz is included in the analyzed frame as a designation of an extralinguistic subject that deter­mines the forms of internationalization. The English-language origin of the main frame units indicates the substantial dominance of Angloglobalisms in the Polish scientific and educational discourse, while their discursive intersec­tion with the field of business is linguistic evidence to testify commercializa­tion of the education system.

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To the problem of the genre repertoire trans­formations in the Russian art media discourse


The article is devoted to the transformation of contemporary Russian art-media discourse, manifested in a change in the genre-speech presentation of such an institutional characteristic as evaluative. Authors believe that the modern art-media discourse is aimed at broadcasting the evaluation of art­works and at including the addressee in the multistage evaluation process and imposing its results. The inception stage of assessment acquaints the audience with the work, forms a basic evaluation, and highlights the original character­istics. Then, contextual updating is carried out additionally expanding the original value judgment by authoritative opinions, to introduce the necessary connotations. At the third stage, the formed value stereotype is used to create new value judgments regarding other artworks. Each stage corresponds to a specific repertoire of speech genres. The main genre models that function in modern art journalism were identified using literary criticism as an example.

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Two-stem names: history and current state


The article considers a group of two-stem Slavic names that were defined as the names of Princes by the researchers of the nineteenth century. The au­thor highlights the classification features of these names, as well as their other specific characteristics (semantics, structure, system of derivatives, belonging to separate languages). Linguistic material in question is obtained in the dic­tionaries of personal names by leading experts, N. A. Petrovsky and A. V. Superanskaya and is introduced into the scientific discourse for the first time. The existence of these names today is traced, the degree of their populari­ty is determined.

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Active derivational models of the Russian language based on the «Corona» vocabulary


The article examines new lexical units that have appeared in the Russian language as some reflection of COVID-19 spreading across Russia and worldwide as well fundamental changes in social, economic and political life that it has triggered. The pandemic brought about new vocabulary, a number of medical terms and disinfectant names, which have become the most used both in colloquial speech and in the media and Internet discourse. The paper is devoted to the description of the derivatives where the word-forming sructure is based on such lexical units as covid, coronavirus and corona and related to the content words. The article is aimed at determining the word-forming and stylistic specifics of lexical units related to the topic of the coronavirus pan­demic. For this purpose, the author collected the card index of lexical units which includes 186 items corresponded to the search parameters from various publicistic web-based media, mass media, social networks, blogs, forums using the continuous sampling method. The result of the study has shown that lexi­cal neologisms are characterized by occasional, expressive and evaluative na­ture. Word-building patterns correspond to the productive models of the Rus­sian language (stem composition and suffixes for nouns; prefixes for adjec­tives) and are the result of word-building play. The purpose of such units is to focus on current social problems, reflect on the attitude to the problem of the pandemic and lockdown, and also have an emotional impact on the addressee.

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