Verb in the lexical structure of hagiographic text: syntagmatic aspect
... various hagiographic topoi. The role of lexical repetition in expressing the content of the text is demonstrated. The specificity of hagiographic lives is established, characterized by the use of verbal units whose meaning has evolved through semantic derivation, reflecting the metaphorical reinterpretation of a specific action in a spiritual plane.
Sheptukhina E.M., Uvarova I.Yu.
hagiography, type of hagiography, lexical structure of the text, syntagmatics, Russian verb, verb-but-nominal combination,...
The suffering and compassion deverbatives in modern Russian literature: a functional-semantic analysis
... ваш Шурик. М., 2006.
8. Улицкая Л. Казус Кукоцкого. М., 2001.
9. Улицкая Л. Том // Улицкая Л. Люди нашего царя. М., 2006. С. 70—78.
Babenko N., Ushalova M.
deverbatives, lexical derivation, syntactical derivation, language of
Neologisms with the meaning of “fake” goods in modern Russian
... underlying their formation are identified, based on the metonymic or metaphorical use of the image of fire, as represented in the root morpheme pal-. It is noted that the word-formation paradigm of the verb palit’ has expanded with the addition of derivatives with figurative meanings, including the adjectives palёny, samopalny, and the nouns palёnka, pal’, and palevo. The processes of these units’ combinatory expansion are described, reflecting extralinguistic changes. The stylistic markedness ...
Active derivational models of the Russian language based on the «Corona» vocabulary
... triggered. The pandemic brought about new vocabulary, a number of medical terms and disinfectant names, which have become the most used both in colloquial speech and in the media and Internet discourse. The paper is devoted to the description of the derivatives where the word-forming sructure is based on such lexical units as covid, coronavirus and corona and related to the content words. The article is aimed at determining the word-forming and stylistic specifics of lexical units related to the ...
Linguopoetic potential of verbs and verbal noun collocations in classical and modern russian literature
... науки. Вопросы теории и практики. 2015. № 2, ч. 2. С. 195—198. URL:
(дата обращения: 27.04.2018).
Babenko N. G.
verbs, deverbatives, collocation, syntactical derivation, language of fiction