IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2019 Issue №1

Representation of religious and confessional values of the Reformation and Protestantism in the phraseological heritage of Martin Luther


The article is devoted to the study of German phraseological units and paroemias, which go back to Martin Luther and reflect the era of the Reformation and its confessional values. The analysis showed that the unique confessional experience left a significant trace in the phraseological picture of the world of the German people. The author draws a conclusion that the conceptual foundation of set expressions is determined by the basic ideas of the Protestant creed. The main attention is paid to the representation in the phraseological units of the key provisions of the religious and moral renewal of the person, proclaimed by reformists, namely the concepts of justification by faith, Christian freedom, upbringing and education of a new person, vocation and labour as religious and spiritual values.

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Evolution of the special question in English (based on examples from the Gospel of John)


The article deals with the evolution of the special question in the English language of the 10th—16th centuries. The study is conducted using examples from three versions of the Gospel of John — the Wessex Gospels of the late 10th century, the Gospel of the Wycliffe Bible (the end of the 14th century) and the Gospel of Tyndale Bible (the beginning of the XVI century). The analysis focuses on the structural and formal aspects of the problem. To demonstrate language dynamics the author identifies specific contexts containing various kinds of special questions in the three versions of the Gospel. These contexts are compared according to a number of parameters. The author structures his research in the following way: 1) definition of the special question as a type and the description of the types of special questions; 2) a brief description of the compared versions of the Gospel; 3) an inventory of question words for each version of the Gospel and a brief etymological description of each lexeme; 4) the analysis of the word order in examples taken from the three versions; 5) the analysis of the ratio of synthetic and analytical means in the construction of special questions and the study of other indicators of language dynamics and evolution; 6) observations made in the course of the research are listed.

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The analysis of modus situations in expressions containing the verb to lack


The author explores the semantics of the verb ‘to lack’ and the way the speaker categorizes situations when perceiving and asseessing them. The verb ‘to lack’ expresses implicit negation embedded in the verb meaning, which ac­tualizes some modus situations. The objective of the article is to identify and analyse situations verbalized in the utterances with the verb ‘to lack’. These situations are the results of mental activity of the modal subject, implicitly present in the meaning of the verb ‘to lack’. When categorizing a situation, the modal subject evaluates it based on a certain norm, standard or prototype, which the situation does not correspond to. Thus, the verb ‘to lack’ conveys the modal subject’s viewpoint or knowledge, realizing its modus potential.

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Structural and semantic types (models) of sentences and their transformation in academic texts in Russian and Polish


The author describes basic sentence models and their transformations in Russian and Polish academic texts. Sentence models are defined as structural and semantic types of sentences. Transformations employ such syntax means, as passivization, nominalizations, the use of participial constructions and oth­ers. The author points out the most popular transformed models in the ana­lyzed ac­ademic texts and reveals the systemic nature of the described process­es.

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Lexical chellenges of computer games translation


The article deals with lexical issues of game localisation based on the comparison of Enlish and Russian versions of videogames. The research is focused on typical lexical challenges in the process of translation, in particular, interpretation of context-independent and context-dependent words, non-equivalent words and neologisms, and “false friends of the translator”.

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