IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2017 Issue №2

Non-standard problems in competence-based mathematics teaching


The authors analyse various types of non-standard tasks, identifies their main characteristics related to the formation of cognitive competence in mathematical education. The article explores ways of solving heuristic, research, and creative problems. A comprehensive approach to the definition of the nonstandard task is proposed. The proposed structure of the problem is based on the following scheme: content — form of presentation — process of solving — result. The authors give examples of mathematical problems that can be defined as non-standard ones.

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Peculiarities of motivation for sports during initial sports training in youth sports schools


The article explores motivation for sports activity in teenagers during initial sports training. It is shown that positive emotions, deriving pleasure from sports is the prevailing motivation. The authors conclude that there is an insufficient degree of sports ambitions, striving for a better result in sports, and lack of competitiveness. However, in general sports remains an attractive activity.

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Pedagogical support children in a conflict situation: legal aspects


The authors analyse documents of international and European law: the Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNICEF Declaration "World fit for children”, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, European Social Charter, the Strategy of the Council of Europe on the Rights of the Child. The documents are analysed in the light of the mechanism of pedagogical support for children. It is shown that the abovementioned documents, which guarantee the protection of rights, psychological and physical health and development of the child can be considered as the legal basis for the organization and implementation of pedagogical support for children in conflict situations within the systems of education and social welfare.

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Personal determinants of somatic reactions in adolescents


The author discusses personal traits of adolescents and the development of somatic reactions. The author confirms numerous survey data concerning the association of dysfunctional personal characteristics and the severity of somatic symptoms in the adolescent population. Multiple regression analysis demonstrates that a high degree of somatic reactions are typical of adolescents with emotional instability and a hostile view of the world. The author proves a "buffer" role of social support; partial leveling of dysfunctional personal characteristics can influence the degree of somatic reactions.

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