IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2016 Issue №1

‘Term memory’ and its varieties in the history of the genre nomination of English novel


The history of interaction between romance and novel reflects the richness and originality of English prose and contemporary theoretical reflections about the novel as a free-form and the semantics of its terminological definitions. This was enshrined in the dual terminological definition of novel in English literary studies as romance (stressing its genesis from chivalry romance) and novel (nominating the subsequent genre transformations).

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On the correlation between the terms poly-discoursivity and inter-discoursivity


Based on a word formation analysis of the ‘poly-discursivity’ nomination, the author stresses its superiority over other synonymous terms used in the Russian research literature. Poly-discursivity and inter-discursivity are considered as different aspects of the same phenomenon. The proposed definition is based on the meaning most often associated with the term in the research literature.

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The biblical anthoponyms Jospeh the All-comely and Mary Magdelene in Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetic interpretation


This paper studies the informative and associative aspects of the precedent biblical anthroponyms Jospeh the All-comely and Mary Magdalene as units of Marina Tsvetaeva’s personosphere. The author characterizes the text formation and pragmatic functions of the mentioned anthroponyms in Tsevtaeva’s poetic text. The role of cultural contexts in the formation of the informative and associative field of anthropoetonyms.

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