The biblical anthoponyms Jospeh the All-comely and Mary Magdelene in Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetic interpretation
This paper studies the informative and associative aspects of the precedent biblical anthroponyms Jospeh the All-comely and Mary Magdalene as units of Marina Tsvetaeva’s personosphere. The author characterizes the text formation and pragmatic functions of the mentioned anthroponyms in Tsevtaeva’s poetic text. The role of cultural contexts in the formation of the informative and associative field of anthropoetonyms.
On the function of biblical anthroponyms David and Goliath in poetic texts of A. I. Polezhaeva and V. Ya. Bryusova
... Персоносфера русской культуры // Новый мир. 2002. № 1. С. 133—145.
10. Брюсов В. Я. Собр. соч. : в 7 т. М., 1973. Т. 2.
Steshenko M. A.
Biblical precedent anthroponym, connotation, context, personosphere of Russian culture, communication