IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2014 Issue №2

The verbalisation of punctuation marks in written and oral texts: The functional aspect


This paper considers the concept of verbalization of punctuation marks, its regular and expressive forms in spoken and written language. The author identifies the functions of verbalized punctuation and other written marks in literary (M. Vishnevetskaya, V. Makanin, I. Dubcova), journalistic (radio programmes), scientific and dictionary texts, as well as idiomatic expressions. The verbalization of punctuation marks is interpreted as a manifestation of author’s punctuation.

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The model of development of organisational and managerial competence in bachelor students in linguistics


This article considers the problem of developing managerial competence in the process of professional training of bachelors in linguistics. On the basis of the system, competence-based, learner-centered, and communicative approaches, the author builds a model of managerial competence formation in bachelors in linguistics. The author’s model comprises methodological, structural, procedural, and assessment components.

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The linguopragmatic potential of comparison in the literary discourse: The case of Khaled Hosseini’s works


This article analyses the linguistic characteristics of similes in the works of modern American writer Khaled Hosseini. It provides an interpretation of the semantic, structural, and pragmatic features of comparative structures containing a comparison concept and a concept under comparison that have a referential correlation with the spheres of the spiritual and material world. It is concluded that that that stylistic device of simile, which helps to deliver the intention of the author of a literary discourse to the reader, has a linguopragmatic potential.

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The methods of manipulative influence on the addressee aimed at creating a positive image: the case of 2012 presidential election campaign


This article deals with the problem of public opinion manipulation through creating a positive image. Special emphasis is given to the description of the manipulative technique. The research is based on the texts of the 2012 Russian presidential election campaign.

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Some aspects of the speech portrait of the German president, J. Gauck as observed in political speeches


This article discusses the verbal behavior of the German President, Joachim Gauck, in political communications. The author analyses the linguisticstylistic and pragmalinguistic means employed in the texts of his political speeches. Special attention is paid to the strategy of dialogue with supporters, which includes the tactics of cohesion, promises, compliments and praise, "indirect positive pressure”, question formation, and behavior regulation through giving advice.

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