IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2013 Issue №11

The healthy lifestyle idea of students of humanities


The article presents the results a study into the healthy lifestyle ideas of students of humanities. The author analyses the students’ understanding of the term «health» and the healthy lifestyle factors. The article reviews the main sources of healthy lifestyle information used by students. The author considers the students’ assessment of their own lifestyle, as well as the evaluationof the role of healthy lifestyle in the course of development of the image of a modern person.

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Associative-semantic network principle of human mental thesaurus organization


Present paper is an endeavor to analyze the outcomes of the celebrated experiment Violin, expressing the structure of associative-semantic links in human brain. Based upon evidence gained from objective neurophysiological methods, certain dictionary articles of the Associative Thesaurus of the Russian Language have thus been analyzed. A comparative analysis of behavioral experiments is offered based on which associative dictionaries have been compiled-alongside with objective experiments of the data of natural sciences. Concomitantly, the paper is an attempt to elicit distinctions between two types of experiments, as well as to install regularities of the organization of human mental thesaurus.

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The acquisition of professional competences by specialists in the field of insurance with the help of business games and problem-centred lectures


This article considers the basic problems of the educational process in the modern conditions in the cases training insurance specialists. The author suggests applying the active training methods in the educational process. The article offers an analysis of such methods as business games and problemcentered lectures. The author emphasises the need to use such methods in developing the professional skills of future specialists.

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The methodology of developing manipulative skills in female gymnasts in the first year of training in basic training groups


The article considers the distinctive features of technical training with apparatus in groups of initial rhythmic gymnastics training. These features include the characteristics of children’s’ training session organization and the requirements for the technical performance and training of students. The author comes to the conclusion that the availability of equipment and persistent mastering of new techniques is of great importance in working with children. The development of manipulative skills with the help of specially designed tools and control systems are the key aspects of the offered methodology.

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The social and pedagogical determinants of inclusive education: A comparative analysis of Western and Russian ideas


In the conditions of the modern sociocultural reality, inclusive education is one of the most relevant forms of education for all children, including nontypical ones. This study aims at conducting a comparative analysis of the conceptual framework of the social and pedagogical determinants of inclusive education. The article describes the author’s understanding of the concept of non-typical children and compares different interpretations of key factors of inclusive education. The main pedagogical competences and central features of conductive influence necessary for successful development of inclusive educational strategies are identified.

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