Supporting frames of the leading industrial complexes of the manufacturing industry of the Far North of Russia
The development of the northern territories of the Russian Federation is a crucial element of the country’s sustainable development, as emphasized by the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation until 2035. In light of the active policy of import substitution, which is a key component of the national goal of “Technological Leadership,” increasing attention is being paid to the manufacturing industry, including in the Far North. This study analyzes data on the operations of manufacturing enterprises in the cities of the Far North and equivalent regions from 2016 to 2022, utilizing municipal and state statistical sources as well as databases such as SPARK-Interfax, zavody.rf, and As a result, the sectoral structure of the manufacturing industry in the Far North was identified, forming the basis for a proposed classification of industrial hubs divided into four categories. The study also highlights general trends in the development of the supporting frameworks of the manufacturing industry in the northern territories of Russia in recent years. The findings indicate that the manufacturing industry in the Far North has undergone minimal transformation in recent years, with changes primarily limited to the modernization of existing facilities or the closure of unprofitable enterprises.