Environmental aspect of the current Arctic Strategy of Sweden
The article considers the environmental aspect of the current Arctic Strategy of Sweden. Despite the general predominant environmental vector, objective results of the Swedish Arctic Strategy remain quite frugal. As the leading environmental European power, Sweden was not able to present a comprehensive environmental ...
Ethno-cultural aspects of arctic specificity in socio-economic development strategies of regions and municipalities of the Russian Federation Arctic Zone
The article addresses the integration of ethnocultural aspects of the Arctic issues concerning the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Russian Far East (ISNP) into the socio-economic development strategies (SEDS) of the regions and municipalities within the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation ...
Ethnopolitical movement of the Sámi in the Arctic region: from development to stagnation
The ethnopolitical movement of the Sámi in the Arctic region is examined through significant events in its development, including during Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. The author attempts to assess the current stage of the movement’s development and justify factors of its stagnation,...
Northern cities of Russia: geographical features and modern approaches to research
Contemporary scientific literature lacks clear formulations of the concepts «Arctic city», «city of the Far North», and «Northern city». This is largely due to the vague boundaries between the territories of the North and the Arctic. Within the framework of this study, the main approaches to defining the boundaries of the ...
The current state of the climate system of the Kaliningrad region and global warming
In this article, I examine climate change facts relating to study objects of different scales, particularly, the Arctic, which serves as an indicator of global processes taking place across the planet. I track long-term fluctuations in the climatic parameters of the Kaliningrad region. Further, I estimate the rate of temperature change in Kaliningrad and other locations ...
On the role of Arctic cod in the nutrition of abundant bird species of the Barents Sea
This article analyses the role of Arctic cod—the most abundant representative of Arctic fish fauna in the food web of the Barents Sea ecosystems. The author estimates the degree of its consumption by the most abundant seabirds-ichthyophagist (northern fulmar, Brünnich's guillemot, ...
Legal regulation of activities in the Arctic in the context of sanctions
The article explores the sanction factor impact on the legislative framework regulating Russian and European joint economic activities in the Arctic. The fundamental documents on the joint projects with the European Union get analyzed in the context of the sanction factor. The paper focuses on changes in the legislative framework for Russian — EU joint activities, as well as relevant restrictions....
The development of ideas about the formation of Arctic sea fauna and its biogeographical connections
The author arrives at a conclusion on the vast biogeographical connections of the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific faunas in the Phanerozoic faunas on the basis of the comparative analysis of modern and ancient communities of invertebrates and the changes in their habitats.
Беклемишев К. В.
Экология и ...
Supporting frames of the leading industrial complexes of the manufacturing industry of the Far North of Russia
The development of the northern territories of the Russian Federation is a crucial element of the country’s sustainable development, as emphasized by the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation until 2035. In light of the active policy of import substitution, which is a key component of the national goal of “Technological Leadership,” increasing attention is being paid to the manufacturing industry, ...
A methodology for research on international cooperation on marine environment protection: application of the Baltic Sea practices to the northern seas
... ru/novosti/203386> (Accessed 10 September 2010).
5. Press-reliz VII Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa po istorii okeanografii. 2003.Sentjabr'. Kaliningrad.
6. Cit. po: Kalamkarjan, R. Ja. 2006. Filosofija mezhdunarodnogo prava. Moskow.
7. Petersen, N. 2009. The Arctic as a New Arena for Danish Foreign Policy:The Ilulissat Initiative and its Implications. In: Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook 2009. [online] Available at: <www. diis. dk/sw82334.asp> (Accessed 10 September 2010).
Kharlampyeva Nadezhda