IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2023 Issue №4

Directions and prospects for the development of geography and geoecology in Kaliningrad State University — Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University: The role in personnel training


Currently, there is a growing need for a more precise theoretical justification and the def­inition of a methodology for studying geographical disciplines to optimize the interaction be­tween society and nature, ensuring environmental safety. The specificity of modern education requires the implementation of a new, practice-oriented approach. A historical perspective on the development of scientific research and the training of specialists in the field of geograph­ical science is presented. The article analyzes the scientific and pedagogical activity of the geographical faculty of Kaliningrad State University — Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal Uni­versity on the basis of a retrospective study for 1963—2023. Positive trends and the role of dissertation research in geoecology and oceanology in preparing personnel for scientific and production activities are highlighted. The prospects and directions for the further development of geographical science at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University are assessed.

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Composition and structure of plant communities in milled peatlands during the post-disturbance successions: a case study from the Rossyanka Carbon Supersite, Kaliningrad, Russia


Nine plant community types were identified in the central part of the Vittgirrensky Peat­land (designated the Rossyanka Carbon Supersite). All community types represent succes­sional stages of vegetation development on areas transformed by peat milling. Data on the structure and species composition of communities are provided, along with typical phytoso­ciological descriptions for each vegetation variant. Physiognomically, the plant communities on the milled fields consist of low-stature tree stands with varying canopy closure, mainly dominated by Betula pendula, but they exhibit substantial differences in the composition of herb-shrub and moss cover. The described community types are considered as non-hierarchical units in the classification of vegetation cover (at the micro-landscape level). Their identification through electronic and field mapping methods allows for a rapid visualization of the vegetation cover's characteristics on a map and enables its quantitative assessment, which is of practical importance for the purposes of the carbon supersite.

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Vulnerability assessment of coastal systems in the Kaliningrad region using the coast vulnerability index (CVI)


The Kaliningrad region is a unique constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In re­cent years, due to the global political and epidemiological situation, the recreational attrac­tiveness of the Kaliningrad region has significantly increased, thereby placing greater pres­sure on the coastal zone. However, there is a lack of research dedicated to assessing the vul­nerability of the coastal area. The practical significance of this study lies in the potential for further utilization of its results to evaluate and analyze the vulnerability of the coastline of the Kaliningrad region and make decisions on implementing a series of measures to protect and preserve the coastal zone. For the study, the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) methodology was selected, which is considered the most versatile compared to others but requires specific parameters for the studied object/territory. The research goal is to assess the vulnerability of the coastal zone on the Kaliningrad Oblast coastline. The CVI method represents a classic scoring system that allows identifying key areas and suggesting a series of measures to pre­vent the deterioration of the coastal condition.

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