IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2018 Issue №3

The Evolution, or Seasonal and Interannual Variability, of the Diurnal Variation of Hydrometeorological Fields in the Southern Baltic Sea


We present the results of an analysis of field observations of the air temperature Ta, the dew point Td (relative humidity f), the sea-level atmospheric pressure P0, and the wind speed W. The data were obtained by a Mini- KRAMS-4 hydrometeorological facility installed within Russia’s exclusive economic zone in the southeastern Baltic Sea on the LUKOIL-KMN (D6) offshore ice-resistant fixed platform and at MARNET monitoring stations of the German Oceanographic Datacentre (BSH / DOD (M41)) in 2002—2016. Alongside meteorological elements, we studied the temperature Tw and the salinity S of the upper sea layer. Using our own time series model, we estimated the contributions of each mode to the total temporal variability. In the article, we examine the intrannual and interannual variability of the specific contribution of the daily component of hydrometeorological elements. We show that the time series structure (including the daily component) for the hydrometeorological elements in the southern Baltic Sea depends both on the location of the station and on the nature of each meteorological element.

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Suspended Particulate Matter Distribution Along the Northern Coast of the Kaliningrad Peninsula


The study of suspended particulate matter in the southeastern Baltic Sea is motivated both by human-induced impact and by the natural features of the Baltic Sea, namely, the high levels of eutrophication and complicated sedimentation conditions. The study area is human-occupied, which contributes to the significance of the findings for sustainable nature, and coastal zone, management. The main aim of this research is to study the spatial distribution variability of suspended particulate matter north of the Kaliningrad Peninsula — in the southeastern Baltic Sea — to gain a better understanding of sedimentation conditions in a semi-enclosed stratified water basin. The data on suspended particulate matter concentration were obtained by filtering seawater through nuclear filters with a 0.45 μm pore diameter, at a pressure of 0.4 mbar. The water samples were taken on a regular grid of stations at standard horizons. The fifteen years (2003‒2017) of regular measurements confirmed a multiple increase in the concentration of suspended matter in the coastal zone and revealed potential zones of sediment supply within the coastal zone.

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The The Variability of Bottom Friction Velocity and the Suspended Particle Propagation along the Pathway of Saline Inflow into the Baltic Sea


A numerical simulation of the Baltic Sea circulation was carried out for two time intervals corresponding to the inflow and non-inflow cases. For these time intervals, I identified processes prevalent in the bottom layer dynamics at specific points on the pathway of the inflow waters propagation in the Baltic Sea. An analysis of the variability of bottom friction velocity made it possible to estimate the likelihood of bottom sediment resuspension at these points and to predict propagation pathways.

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Macroalgae Suggested for Inclusion in the New Edition of the Red List of the Kaliningrad region


This article is the very first description of macroscopic algae suggested for inclusion in the list of species protected in the Kaliningrad region. The regional significance of our findings relates to the preparation of the second edition of the Red List of the Kaliningrad region. The previous 2010 edition lacked an algae section due to the scarcity of pertinent research. In this work, we aim to identify rare and endangered species of macroscopic algae found in the Kaliningrad region. To this end, we analyse our 2008—2017 field studies and examine the herbarium collection of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (former Kaliningrad State University). We also investigate the literature. We describe the biology and ecology of the species, provide information on the sites where rare species were discovered, and assign categories and protection statuses. Overall, we suggest 24 species for inclusion in the Red List.

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The Spectral Dependence of Skin Sensitivity to Light in Immature LYMNAEA STAGNALIS L. Specimens


By carrying out a quantitative evaluation of appearances of the shadow reflex, we obtained a spectral dependence of skin light sensitivity of immature specimens of Lymnaea stagnalis L. We performed experiments on juvenile specimens with a maximum shell size of 15 mm, to rule out the influence of the sexual dominant on the appearance of the reflex response. With its maximum at 490 nm, the obtained dependence apparently corresponds to the absorption spectrum of the photosensitive skin pigment.

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