Macroalgae Suggested for Inclusion in the New Edition of the Red List of the Kaliningrad region
... Sea Macrophyte Species // Checklist of Baltic Sea macro-species. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings. No. 130 / Kontula T., Haldin J. (eds). Helsinki, 2012. P. 24 ― 98.
16. Kostkevičienė J., Sinkevičienė Z. A preliminary checklist of Lithuanian macroalgae // Botanica Lithuanica. 2008. Vol. 14, № 1. P. 11 ― 27.
17. Kruk-Dowgiallo L. The role of filamentous brown algae in the degradation of the underwater meadows of the Gulf of Gdansk // Oceanological Studies. 1996. Vol. 25, iss. 1—2. P....