IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2014 Issue №1

Sustainable development of coastal territories as a basis for integrated management of coastal zones


This article provides a detailed definition of the concept of ‘territory capacity’ and its role in the integral management of coastal zones. The term ‘coastal territory’ and its management are considered from the perspective of the Russian and several foreign legislations. Special attention is paid to the concept of sustainable development and the need to apply its key provisions in strategic planning and the integral management of coastal zones.

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Recreational zoning of the territory of the Kaliningrad region


This article provides a detailed definition of the concepts of ‘tourist area demarcation’ and ‘tourist zoning’. The earlier proposed components of competitiveness index help identify four major groups of factors of recreation zone differentiation. The recreation zoning of the Kaliningrad region was carried out in view of the geopolitical position, development of tourist infrastructure, and current and potential tourist specialisation of municipalities.

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Urban planning of Russian urban districts: Practices, problems, solutions


This article analyses the reasons behind and consequences of the deficiency of urban areas in Russian towns and identifies the factors affecting the demand for territories associated with urban planning, which determine planning decisions, urban environment zoning, and the development and confiscation of infrastructure. The authors consider methodological approaches and the ways to solve the problem of territory deficiency: artificial accretion areas (land reclamation, drainage, underwater construction) and the use of satellite town resources. The article emphasizes the necessity for the demarcation of suburban areas and their management. It is concluded that there is a need for the joint development of localities comprising urban agglomerations, as well as drawing up and implementing a single document describing the procedures of urban planning activities.

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The use of renewable energy sources in the Kaliningrad region: Current state and prospects


This paper examines the current condition and development prospects of the fuel and energy industry of the Kaliningrad region specified in regional programmes. The authors compare the potentials of different renewable energy sources and provide information on the exploitation of different renewable energy objects in the region. The article presents a preliminary assessment of the thermal capacity necessary for the residential area of an ecovillage with a population of 50,000 and suggests ensuring heat supply with the help of heat pumps.

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The geoecological potential of sustainable development: The evolution of the concept and its structure


This article focuses on the evolution of views on the geoecological potential and related concepts. The author’s definition of the geoecological potential is offered. The article describes the structure of the geoecological potential through identifying and defining its natural and human capital components. The key elements of the natural capital are raw material, biological, water and a number of other ones. The human capital is divided into geodemographic and moral-cultural capitals.

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