IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2014 Issue №1

Ferromanganese nodule neoformations in the soils of the western part of the Kaliningrad region


This article examines the concretionary neoformations in soils: hardpans, tubular concretions, ironstone. The results of an analysis of the morphologic properties and chemical composition of concretions are presented. Concretions were found in most regional soils. The preliminary diagnostic significance was identified for different groups of neoformations depending on the soil moistening regime. Concretions are proved to accumulate Fe, Mn, Ni, P, As, and sometimes Zn, Cu, Cr, Y. The structure of concretions reflects the features of the geochemical situation.

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The accumulation of heavy metals by wild mushrooms in the Kaliningrad region


This article considers the heavy metal accumulation capacity of wild mushroomson on the basis of calculating the concentration and biological uptake coefficients. An analysis of these data shows that some mushroom species have a high selective capacity for cadmium (B. edulis) and zinc accumulation (R. decolorans) independent of the concentration of these elements in the substrate. A higher concentration of heavy metals was detected in the Russulaceae picked on the Sambia peninsula in comparison to similar species of the Polessk forest.

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On the content of heavy metals in the soils of Kaliningrad urbanised ecosystems


This article studies the quantitative content of heavy metals in the soils of Kaliningrad urban ecosystems. It is shown that urban soils are heavily contaminated with zinc and lead with an at least threefold excess of the TLV. The concentration of copper, nickel, and cobalt is closer to the TLV. The authors emphasize that heavy metal concentrations in the soils of Kaliningrad urban ecosystems vary significantly depending on the year and territory.

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