The humanities and social science

2012 Issue №12

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Russia and the way out of the civilizational crisis: N. A. Berdyayev’s historiosophy and aesthetics



Berdayev’s works The New Middle Ages, The Meaning of History, The Crisis of Art help reveal the essence of the eschatological consciousness of the 20th century. The principal feature of New Middle Ages in European culture is proved to be the polarization of consciousness, which is most vividly manifested, according to Berdyaev, in the structure of Russian soul (the apocalyptic and nihilistic type), as well as the divergent trends of contemporary art (synthetism and analytism).


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5. Мальцев Л. А. Повесть Е. Анджеевского «Врата рая» и русский экзистенциализм: проблема грехопадения // Вестник Адыгейского государственного университета. Сер. 2 : Филология и искусствоведение. 2009. № 3. С. 22—27.

6. Fiut A. W obliczu końca świata // Poznawanie Miłosza. Kraków, 1985. С. 174—188.
7. Zdziechowski M. Wybór pism. Kraków, 1993.