School lifestyle as a pedagogical category and a phe-nomenon of reality
This article analyzes approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “school lifestyle” and compares it with the concepts of “school climate”, “school spirit”, and “hidden education”. The article offers the author's understanding of school lifestyle as a well-established form of everyday school life. The key ...
Latvian policy on the Russian-language education
The article studies the development of Russian-language school education in independent Latvia from 1992 to 2020, as well as the process of reforming this system by official authorities. At the time of declaration of independence and withdrawal from the USSR, a bilingual education system which was formed in ...
The formation of a multicultural educational environ-ment in primary school: Experience and prospects
This paper considers the problem of multicultural education development in primary school. The authors justify the idea that multicultural education begins with the national traditions of a family. The article identifies and describes the key goals, means, and forms of multicultural education in primary school. The practical results ...
The physical activity of primary school students of the city of Krasnoyarsk
Physical activity is a factor of healthy lifestyle development. This article focuses on the physical activity of primary school students of the city of Krasnoyarsk. The authors discuss various reasons for leading an active (sports classes, yard games) or a passive (resting at the computer or a game console, watching TV) lifestyle among Krasnoyarsk primary school students ...
The Philosophy of Vasily Sesemann and Marburg Neo-Kantianism
This article considers the ideas of the Russian Neo-Kantianist Vasily Sesemann (1884—1963) in comparison with the idealism of the Marburg School. The author analyses the key Russian phi-losopher’s works on the topic: ‘The problem of idealism in philosophy’, ‘Theoretical philosophy of the Marburg School’, etc. The article focuses on Sesemann’s interest in the concept of the ‘irra¬tional’ ...
School conflict as a subject of historical and pedagogical research
The paper analyses the problem of school conflicts and provides a theoretical substantiation of the possibility of their historical and pedagogical investigation in pedagogy. Using pedagogical writings of the early XX century, the authors explore the conceptual foundations of school conflicts ...
The Russian language in a multicultural school as a methodological problem
This article addresses the problem of choosing a methodology of Russian language teaching as a subject at a school with multicultural students. The author emphasises the need for a new integrative methodology corresponding to the needs of a multicultural school.
1. Лысакова И. П. Русский язык для мигрантов: РКИ или РКН?...
The problems of health protection socialisation of children at pre-school educational institutions
This article focuses on the results of health behavior diagnostic of pre-school children. They indicate that pre-school education is the only element of education system that pays attention to children’s healthcare and development of health skills. This article discusses the problems of healthcare socialization of children at pre-school educational institutions and possible
1. Алимпиева А. В. Динамика самосохранительного поведения детей, подростков и молодежи в процессе образования // Охрана здоровья...
The development of personal information safety of schoolchildren
This article deals with the issue of ensuring personal information safety of schoolchildren as well as different approaches to defining the notion of ‘information safety’. The author emphasizes the need for applying the vitagenetic educational methods in order to develop the personal information safety of schoolchildren.
Белкин А.
С., Вербицкая Н.
«Витагенное» образование как научно-педагогическая категория // Образование и наука. 2001. №
3. С. 18—28. С. 2001.
2. ...
The conceptual framework of teaching primary school children conflict resolution in the countries of European Union
This article analyses the conceptual framework of teaching primary school children conflict resolution in the countries of the European Union in order to integrate the global achievements in the field of conflict studies training into the effective development of regional educational science and practice.
Валкер ...
Parish schools in the system of public primary education
This article analyses the activity of parish schools in Russia in the second half of the 19th-the beginning of the 20th centuries as mass public primary schools. The author emphasises the biased attitude to parish schools in Soviet and contemporary Russian historiography as to a conservative and ...
Сomparative trends in the morphofunctional development of rural and urban school children in the Nizhny Novgorod region at the present stage
This paper focuses on the trends of a comparative analysis of statistical parameters of physical development of rural and urban school children in the Nizhniy Novgorod region. The results indicate that, against the background of the persistence of basic characteristics of growth processes in children and adolescents of the Nizhniy Novgorod region, both favourable (total body parameters ...
Self-acceptance and social support of younger students with different levels of stress
This study posits a correlation in younger school children between high levels of current stress and reduced self-acceptance, as well as between an increase in current stress and decreased satisfaction with emotional and instrumental support. The respondents were 131 pupils aged 8 to 12 years ...
Igor Raspopov and Antoloy Lomov: the founders of the Voronezh syntactic school
This review is devoted to the linguistic legacy of the Voronezh syntactic school, which was founded by the renowned scholars Igor Raspopov and Anatoly Lomov. We discuss the ideas that were shaping this area of grammatical research from the late 1960s to the early 2010s. Our focus is the theoretical precursors and stepwise development ...
The orientation of professional training of future specialists towards the formation of their readiness to work on the improvement of relations among older pre-school children
This article describes various aspects of the preparation of future specialists for working towards the improvement of relationships between children of pre-school age and reports the results of scientific experiments aimed at the formation of future specialists’ readiness for working towards improving relationships between children of pre-school age. The author proposes a model of such readiness and proves its effectiveness.
1. Дьяченко М. И., Кандыбович Л. А. Психология высшей школы. Минск, 1993...
The relationship between agency, self-regulation and self-management in high school
This study explores the interconnections between agency, self-regulation, metacognition, and student self-governance among high school students in the Kaliningrad region. The main goal of this article is to identify the role of self-government in students’ agency and self-regulated learning as well as the consecration of their role in management strategies. The research addresses ...
The development of universal learning actions in primary school students by means of project-task technology
This article presents a model of formation of universal learning actions in younger school students through solving project tasks. The author offers a technology of its implementation, which makes it possible to create personal, regulatory, informative, and communicative universal educational actions.
1. Асмолов А. Г., Бурменская ...
Learning and research culture of students of rural schools in the History of Western Russia classes
This article deals with the theoretical problems of learning and research culture, its functions and criteria, as well as possibilities of its formation in students of rural schools in the History of Western Russia classes in view of the specific features of the educational institution and the novelty of the discipline.
Кузьминых Я.
О пользе туристическо-краеведческой ...
Special features of morphofunctional indicators of students of primary schools of the city of Gomel
This article offers a comparative analysis of physical development and functional condition of primary school students of Gomel (Belarus) educational institutions and corresponding indicators. Sufficient information on the issue will make it possible to adjust the content and orientation of physical training of primary school students.
Баранов ...
Patterns and principles of formation a cognitive self-appraisal in primary school students
This article considers the patterns and principles of formation of cognitive self-appraisal in primary school students identified on the basis of analysisng the laws of dialectics and scientific literature.
Гершунский Б.
Философия образования для XXI века. (В поисках практико-ориентированных ...
Psychomotor development as the main aspect of psychological and pedagogic support of primary school children
The article examines the causes of academic failure in school: lack of background, operational and controlling components of learning activity; it presents “The Space of Development” innovation psychological and pedagogic programme, which bases on the modern concepts of ontogenetic regularities of brain ...
The structure and functions of cognitive self-esteem of primary school children
The article considers the structural-summarizing and procedural characteristics of the cognitive self-esteem of primary school children.
Мясищев В.
Психология отношений / под ред. А.
А. Бодалева. М.; Воронеж, 1998.
Брызгалова С.
Формирование в вузе готовности ...