Kantian Journal

2015 Issue №3(53)

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The Philosophy of Vasily Sesemann and Marburg Neo-Kantianism



This article considers the ideas of the Russian Neo-Kantianist Vasily Sesemann (1884—1963) in comparison with the idealism of the Marburg School. The author analyses the key Russian phi-losopher’s works on the topic: ‘The problem of idealism in philosophy’, ‘Theoretical philosophy of the Marburg School’, etc. The article focuses on Sesemann’s interest in the concept of the ‘irra¬tional’ and explains his understanding of Neo-Kantianism and the idea of infinity (fieri). Sesemann is interested in the Neo-Kantian aspiration to achieve a systematic unity of knowledge. The concept of one of the editors of the Russian version of the Logos international philosophical journal under¬goes a transformation from irrationality to the rationality of a higher order. The concept of irration¬ality is defined by the Russian thinker through the inexhaustible set of problems ‘ensuring’ eternal and continuous progress of objective cognition. According to Sesemann, the opposite of a rational, conceptual, mediated element of cognition is an irrational, non-mediated component. The irrational factor of knowledge is the problems faced by human reason, as well as a condition for the progress of knowledge. The Russian philosopher strives to develop an original philosophical structure that just partially transcends the Neo-Kantian school. He is strongly influenced by the phenomenological movement, although expressing certain criticism thereof. The author draws a parallel between Se-semann’s ideas and Nicolai Hartmann’s conception, which makes it possible to classify the Russian philosopher as a post-Neo-Kantianist. The works of Andrey Noras have popularised the term ‘post-neo-Kantianism’ among Polish researchers of the neo-Kantian movement in modern philosophy. The epistemological interpretation of Kant’s philosophy was rejected by the followers of post-Neo-Kantianism in favour of the ontological one.


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