The Transcendental Deduction of Categories as Philosophical Proof
... Hegel’s interpretation and reframing of Kant’s idea. Hegel’s reading is crucial for two reasons: first, for fixing the basic form of the Kantian argument and secondly, for understanding its metaphilosophical relevance. For Hegel, philosophical proof has a specific nature, which distinguishes it from scientific proof and brings it closer to a juridical one. In this perspective the transcendental deduction, which is universally considered one of the most difficult chapters in the history of philosophy,...
Christian Wolff and Immanuel Kant on the Existence of God
The positions of Christian Wolff and Immanuel Kant on the possibility of proving the existence of God require some examination. Wolff’s critique of the physical-theological proof and his proposed ways of improving it are here analysed. God is central to Wolff’s philosophical system and the fundamental prerequisite of his theoretical and practical philosophy. Although Wolff insists that the natural law is inherent in human ...
Procedural and forensic ensuring the reliability of identification results
... (identification) of the presented object. The conclusion is justified that this recognition is the procedural form of criminalistic identification.
Exarkhopulo A.A., Pankina I. Yu.
investigative action, presentation for identification, forensic identification, proof, evidence
Problems of using the results of an operational experiment and test purchase in proving a criminal case
... effectiveness of prosecuting individuals who have committed serious, covert crimes. Additionally, it may reduce the professional risk for operational personnel authorized to conduct these activities.
Luchinkin F.M.
operational experiment, test purchase, proof, evidence, legal standard
On implementation of legal investigation in the Russian criminal process
... (дата обращения: 15.12.2018).
8. Проект общей части УПК РФ (подготовлен ГПУ Президента РФ) // Рос. юстиция. 1994. № 9.
Pankina I. Y.
defense function, preliminary investigation, proof process, powers of a defense lawyer, lawyer’s investigation
Formalisation of cognition in a special proceeding trial
Criminal procedural cognition in special judicial proceedings is largely based on the provisions of the concept of formal (legal) evidence. The formalisation of evidence presupposes the availability of the necessary proofs and mandatory sources of evidence that create proper conditions for the implementation of the procedural norm of Chapter 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
1. Александров А. С. Основание и условия для особого ...
Moral und Dogma: Alois Riehls Neukantianismus im Spannungsfeld zwischen Religion und Politik
... In: V. L. Waibel, Hg. 2015. Umwege. Annäherungen an Immanuel Kant in Wien, in Österreich und in Osteuropa. Wien: University Press, S. 39-47.
Riehl, Kant, Neukantianism, Kulturkampf, Neurath-Haller thesis, postulates of pure practical reason, moral proof of God, immortality of soul
Martin Hammer, Josef Hlade