Cross-border Specialization of Interregional Interaction: Applying New Assessment Methods
Cross-border cooperation as a type of interregional interaction is becoming a significant factor in the development of border regions. It can be viewed as a result of intensification of cross-border contacts and greater economic openness of cross-border regions. Thus, the roots of current development are quite easy to pinpoint. However, assessment of the impact of cross-border ...
Border functions as a factor of development of border regions and the formation of cross-border regions
The border as a spatial and socio-cultural phenomenon has been an immediate subject of study for a long time. A convincing reason supporting this statement is the existence of an independent branch of science on borders, "limology" (Latin: limes ...
On trends in the development of cross-border cooperation in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation
... cooperation projects over the past ten years. I focus on the projects that were successfully completed by the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University — a key actor in cooperation. I examine collaborations between municipalities on either side of the border when preparing and running projects under cross-border cooperation programmes. I classify the municipalities of the Kaliningrad region by their involvement in the projects and try to explain why a certain municipality is closely or under- involved ...
The intensity of population movements through the Russian- Polish border after the suspension of the local border traffic mechanism: 2016 outcomes
The mechanism of the local (or small) the cross-border movement is a form of cross-border cooperation. On the border between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland this mechanism worked from 2012 to 2016, and provided for a significant intensification of mutual border-crossing. In this case the suspension of the local border traffic regime on the Polish ...
Cross-border cooperation in tourism between the Warmian-Masurian voivodeship and the Kaliningrad region
The border location of the Warmian-Masurian voivodeship and the Kaliningrad region is a prerequisite for active cooperation at different institutional levels. The development of cross-border cooperation between the Kaliningrad region and the Warmian-Masurian ...
Mental mapping of the border between Western and Eastern Europe: transforming conceptions
The article presents the results of using mental mapping in studying the concept of the border between Western and Eastern Europe. Since the collapse of the USSR the border under study has been transforming due to the aspirations of certain post-Soviet countries as well as the expanding scope of the Euro-Atlantic integration. The study is ...
Cross-border Cooperation as a Mechanism of Regional Marketing in the Baltic Region
The article offers a pragmatic approach to certain aspects of cross-border regionalisation. The marketing component of Euroregion development and the implementation of cross-border cooperation projects are considered as key directions of the joint activity of cross-border partner-regions. The authors analyse the opportunity to apply the territory brand model to research on the mechanisms of cross-border cooperation and to the elaboration of an efficient development strategy as a promising direction...
Geography of "digital footprints" of Kaliningrad citizens in the border regions of Poland and Lithuania: results of content analysis
Widespread introduction of digital technologies into human life has resulted in the accumulation of huge amounts of digital data that enables quantitative assessment of various social processes. This article uses data on Internet search user queries in the border region, namely the Kaliningrad region of Russia, to assess the interest of its inhabitants in establishing local cross-border links with the border regions of Poland and Lithuania. The data source is the Yandex. Wordstat open service, which displays ...
Twin cities: a new form of cross-border cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region?
... «dvojnoj gorod» [Svetogorsk-Imatra: «dual city»], Official internet site of the Leningrad Region, available at: http://www. (accessed 10 July 2011).
5. Self, P. Goroda vyhodjat iz svoih granic [City out of its borders], 1962, Moscow.
6. Sergunin, A. A. 2003, Vneshnie faktory rossijskoj regionalizacii [External factors Russian regionalization], Politicheskaja nauka, no. 3, p. 121—141.
7. Sergunin, A. A. 1999, Regionalizacija Rossii: rol' mezhdunarodnyh faktorov ...
Cross-border cooperation between nongovernmental organisations in the Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian voivodeships
..., Unijne programy wspierające współpracę transgraniczną a ich możliwośćwykorzystania na wschodnim pograniczu: Rozszerzenie Unii Europejskiej na Wschód [EU programs supporting cross-border cooperation and the possibility of using the eastern border: EU enlargement to the East], eds. W. Bieńkowski, J. Grabowiecki, H. Wnorowski. Białystok,Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.
6. Nawrocka, I. 2007, Współpraca transgraniczna w Euroregionie Bałtyk w latach 1998—2006 [Cross-border cooperation ...
Western border regions of Russia: delimitation, structure, typology
This article is devoted to the western border regions of Russia, which play an important role in terms of history, geopolitics, geoeconomy, culture, and mindset. Relying on the interpretations of ‘border’, ‘frontier’, and ‘borderlands’, which are traditional for Russian limnology,...
On the establishment of state borders and delimitation of marine areas of the Russian Federation in the Kaliningrad region zone
This article considered the stage and features of formation of the state border with Poland and Lithuania, as well as the delimitation of the Russian marine area in the Kaliningrad region zone. The Polish border was established by the Soviet-Polish border agreement of 1945. It was of astronomical nature and did not take into ...
Development of International Clusters in the Baltic Sea Region
... Aboutus. aspx (accessed 19 December 2012).
10. Promoting Trans-Regional Co-operation, 2002, 20 p., available at: (accessed 17 December 2012).
11. Royer, S. 2007, Crossing — borders: International clusters: An analysis of Medicon Valley based on value-adding web, Flensburg, Flensburg University, 40 p.
12. Rugman, A. M., D’Cruz, J. 2000, Multinationals and flagships firms: regional business networks, Oxford, Oxford University ...