Kant, Gödel, and the problem of synthetic a priori judgements
Debates over Kant’s famous postulate about the existence of synthetic a priori judgements in mathematics, formulated in the Critique of Pure Reason, have been raging for over two centuries. On the one hand, it was fiercely criticised by neo-positivists in the early 20th century. On the other hand, Kant’s ideas on constructive ...
I. Kant’s and E. Husserl’s practical philosophy
This article focuses on the problem of reconciling a priori and empirical dimensions of freedom, will, and action as the crucial point for understanding the relationship between theoretical and practical reason in Kant’s and Husserl’s practical philosophy. Relying on the explanation of the relationship ...
Space and Time as A Priori Forms in the Works of Hermann Cohen and Ivan Lapshin
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the need to rethink the status of space and time which Kant considered to be a priori forms of sensibility was prompted by the emergence of new approaches to the methodology of scientific cognition. In neo-Kantian interpretation these cognitive forms acquire a special epistemological status, manifesting themselves in theoretical ...
“The Transcendental Collapse”: Analytic Reading of Kant
... Kant’s approach to stating the problem of the conditions of possibility of experience and the thesis of the possibility of objects of experience (KrV, В 197). The thesis lends itself to three interpretations: the creationist interpretation, whereby a priori structures of understanding and reason create objects of experience; the moderate interpretation, in which a priori structures of understanding and reason objectify and identify intuitions; and the transcendental realist interpretation, which presents ...
Apriorität und autochthone Ideen der Kultur
The paper notes that the deduction of the a priori cognitive forms conducted by I. Kant was continued by E. Cassirer and М. Heidegger, who showed that the basis of a priori lies in certain ways of being of the man. Developing this approach to the interpretation of the basis a priori, the author ...
Kantian motives in logic and philosophy of science. Idea of Unity of a priory and empirical knowledge
Kant insisted on the inherent unity of a priori and empirical elements of cognition. To what extent further progress of philosophy and exact sciences confirmed (or modified) original Kant ideas? I'm inclined to judge that apriorism in its modest version do not contradict to modest type of empiricism....
Kantian motives in logic and philosophy of science. The idea of unity of a priory and empirical elements of cognition
Kant insisted on the inherent unity of a priori and empirical elements of cognition. To what extent further progress of philosophy and exact sciences confirmed (or modified) original Kant ideas? I'm inclined to judge that apriorism in its modest version does not contradict a modest type of empiricism....
Darwinism as the Missing Link in Kant’s Critical Philosophy
... no theoretical link at his disposal which would offer a more solid scientific grounding for his entire system. I believe that Darwinism is such a link which bolsters the central but ungrounded thesis of the Critique of Pure Reason on the existence of a priori synthetic judgments. The synthesis of Darwinism and critical philosophy dictates, however, a substantial restructuring of the latter since some of its key elements prove to be weak in the light of modern studies and need to be revised or even reversed....
How transcendental are Kant’s principles of public law?
... The author compares different interpretations of these principles by Russian and international researchers. The article strives to answer the question as to what type of ‘public’ is meant by these principles, whether these principles can serve as a priori criteria for selecting maxims, how efficient these principles are as empirical criteria for establishing legitimacy, and whether they can be characterized as ‘transcendental’. Kant’s discourse on publicity — a result of strenuous efforts ...