Environmental aspect of the current Arctic Strategy of Sweden
The article considers the environmental aspect of the current Arctic Strategy of Sweden. Despite the general predominant environmental vector, objective results of the Swedish Arctic Strategy remain quite frugal. As the leading environmental European power, Sweden was not able to present a comprehensive environmental part of its Arctic ...
Territorial differences in the innovative development of Sweden, Finland, and the North-western federal district of the Russian Federation
This article considers the innovative component of the economies of Sweden, Finland, and the Noreth-western federal district (NWFD) of the Russian Federation. The authors present the results of a comparative analysis of research and technological potential of the regions and their administrativeterritorial units in terms ...
The Swedish model of spatial planning: Functions, problems, and solutions
... are shown as different types of plans: Regional plan, Municipal comprehensive plan, Detailed development plan, Special area regulations and Property regulation plan. Particular attention is paid to the influence on the planning process of the entry of Sweden to the European Union. The problems associated with spatial planning are made evident and solutions are proposed. Swedish experience may be interesting to the urban and regional planners.
1. Чистобаев А. И., Красовская О....
Immanuel Kant, Emanuel Swedenborg and the metaphysics of the supersensible
The article is devoted to the dispute between two eminent people of the time — I. Kant and E. Swedenborg, a Swedish philosopher, scientist, engineer and poet, who, however, remained in the memory of humanity, mainly as the last Christian mystic, and the "King of visionaries." It is shown that, although E. Swedenborg's oeuvre was important for I. Kant, it was only a trigger for scrutinising serious philosophical questions pertaining to the nature and limits of human knowledge — the main...
Czesław Miłosz’s “Theological treatise” in the context of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s religious worldview
The article investigates a religious and philosophical dialogue of Miłosz and Dostoevsky. The antinomic content of Miłosz's poem “Theological Treatise” is analyzed in the context of Dostoevsky's Christocentric worldview, as well as religious and heretical teachings of early Christianity, which aroused Milosz's interest throughout his career. In their works, Dostoevsky and Miłosz explored the theological problem of apoсatastasis and offered their interpretation of it. The paper also examines Miłosz’s...
The transformation of the Swedish political party system in the late 20th/early 21st century
.... 4, no. 3.
8. Programrevisionen — så går det till, 1990, Partiprogrammet. Studie-och diskussionsmaterialinför programrevision, Stockholm, SAP, 23 p.
9. Bolotnikova, Ye. G. 2011, Pravoradikal'nye partii sovremennoj Shvecii [Right-wing party Sweden today], Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta [Bulletin of the MGIMO-University], no. 5 (20), p. 174—181.
10. Sahlin M. Möjligheternas land: min vision för Sverige. — Stockholm: Norstedts, 2010, 287 s.
11. Hadenius, S. 1997, Shvedskaja politika ...
Universities of the North-western federal district in Russian-Finnish research cooperation
This article focuses on the cooperation between universities of the North-western federal district (NWFD) of the Russian Federation, Sweden, and Finland, its intensity and territorial differentiation. The analysis was conducted on the basis of public domain information on the international activity of universities available on their official websites. The authors identify the principle ...