Kant as the German Theorist of the French Revolution: the Origin of a Dogma
... sobranie sochinenij i izbrannye pisʼma v 2-h t. [Complete Works and Selected Letters in 2 Volumes]. Volume 2. Moscow: Nauka, pp. 94-101. (In Rus.)
Deborin, A. M., 1927. Revisionism under the Mask of Orthodoxy. Pod znamenem marksizma [Under the Banner of Marxism], 9, pp. 5-48. (In Rus.)
Engels, F., 1975. Progress of Social Reform on the Continent. In: K. Marx and F. Engels, 1975. Collected Works. Volume 3: Marx and Engels: 1843–1844. Moscow: Progress Publishers; London: Lawrence & Wishart, pp. 392-408....
Lyubov Axelrod on Kant: Reflections on Marxist Discussions of the 1920s and 1930s in the USSR
... hold that, in epistemological terms, her scientific-philosophical concepts of the materialist interpretation of the tradition of historicity is a kind of bridge between the pre-revolutionary tradition of “positive” philosophy on Russian soil, and Marxism as it existed in the USSR.
Axelrod, E. L., 1902. Tolstois Weltanschauung und ihre Entwicklung. Stuttgart: Druck der Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft.
Axelrod (Ortodox), L. I., 1906. Dual Truth in Modern German Philosophy. In: L. I. Axelrod ...
The Problem of the Revolution in Gramsci (Between Kant and Marx)
... and exploitation would allow people to be free and autonomous. After the fall of the Winter Palace, Gramsci wrote that the revolution happened “against Marx’s Capital”, or better, against its literal interpretation as spread by the positivistic Marxism of the Second International. Between the end of the 1910s and the beginning of the 1920s, Gramsci thought it possible for Italy and the whole of Europe “to do as in Russia”; yet, from 1924, he started elaborating a different vision of the ...
"The ability to rebel": Philippe Sollers as a Marxist
This article analyses the contribution of the famous French writer and public figure Philippe Sollers to the development of Marxism. The author focuses on the crucial ideas of Sollers expressed in the works published in the Tel Quel magazine in the 1970s.
Зонина Л.
. «Тель Кель» // Краткая литературная энциклопедия....
The later works of Boris Porshnev in foreign historiography
... Endämmung. Schwedische Moskaupolitik 1617—1661. Wiesbaden, 1997.
50. Yaresh L. The “Peasant Wars” in Soviet Historiography // The American Slavic and East European Review. 1957. Vol. 16, № 3. Р. 241—259.
Dementev I. O.
Boris Porshnev, Marxism, Soviet historiography
The influence of Kant’s philosophy on the formation of the Marxist concept of practice
... утопии к науке» // Там же. Т. 19.
Энгельс Ф
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Lugovoy S.
critical philosophy, Marxism, practice, objectification, thing-in-itself,
Russian Kantianism and Neo-Kantianism of the beginning of the 20th century in the unpublished memoirs of A. A. Borovoi
... анархиста-гуманиста // Вестник Московского университета. Сер. 12. Политические науки. 2008. № 3.
13. Шестов Л. Великие кануны. М., 2007.
memoires, anarchism, Marxism, Russian Kantianism and Neo- Kantianism, philosophical biography
Ryabov P. V.