Unofficial astyonyms and katoyconyms as markers of regional identity
The paper focuses on unofficial names for the city of Kaliningrad and its residents investigated on user comments in regional social networks and a survey conducted by regional media (approximately 5000 participants). The study identifies the main patterns of forming unofficial demonyms and toponyms, including those derived from the pre-war name of the city, Königsberg. The pragmatic functions performed by these names are determined. There is noted an asymmetry in the composition of unofficial names...
Kantian Motives in Neuroscience
... Moscow: Kanon+ ROOI “Reabilitatsiya”. (In Rus.)
Lorenz, K., 1982. Kant’s Doctrine of the a priori in the Light of Contemporary Biology. In: H. C. Plotkin, ed. 1982. Learning, Development, and Culture. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 121-143.
Andrei B. Makarov
Managerial competencies required: a comparative analysis of Moscow and the Kaliningrad region
... structures were identified for each region. The findings are not only of theoretical importance but are well adapted for practical purposes, particularly, for advanced training of managers and teaching related university disciplines.
Krivosheev, V. V., Makarov, S. N.
management, exclave region, administration, leadership, leadership management, managerial competency
Criminalistic characteristics of crimes committed by intoxicated minors
Characteristic features of crimes committed by intoxicated minors (as an object of forensic investigation) present an interesting area of research for both practitioners and scholars. These characteristic features include the following ones: data about the type, mechanism, and the setting of a crime (place, time, conditions), as well as the necessary information about the perpetrator and the victim.
1. Архив Ленинградского районного суда г. Калининграда. Уголовное дело № 01-2824/09.
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Symbolical interactionism: A methodology for ana-lysing processes in an administrative system
... Sociological Theory: Inquires and Paradigms. N. Y., 2003.
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6. Pfnetze P. E. Self, Society, Existence. Human Nature and Dialogue in the Thought of G. H. Mead and M. Buber. N. Y., 2002.
Krivosheeev V., Makarov S.
administrative system, symbol, situation, symbolical interactionism
A situational approach to building social managerial expert systems
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5. Франчук В. Основы общей теории социального управления. М., 2000. С. 124.
Krivosheev V., Makarov S.
management, situational approach, governance, leadership, leadership management, organization, social resources
Management behaviour: Expert system and modelling processes
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8. Уотермен Д. Руководство по экспертным системам. М., 2006.
Krivosheev V. V., Makarov S. N.
expert system, management, activity theory, social technologies
The main indicators of social administra tive expert system
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3. Елисеева И., Рукавишников В. Логика прикладного статистического анализа. М., 1982.
Krivosheev V., Makarov S.
expert system, management, leadership, leader management, factorial analysis, management, organization
The major transformations of scientific views on public ad-ministration: a sociological analysis
... социологической теории управления. СПб., 2000. Гл. 3. С. 247—251.
24. Федосеев П. Основы научного коммунизма. М., 1968. С. 31—33.
25. Цицерон. О государстве. Кн. 1. М., 1989.
Makarov S.
power, administration, public administration, social administrative resources, social interactions
Metatheatre under the sign of Chekhov (based on plays by V. Levanov, O. Bogayev, A. Mardan)
... театр имени А. П. Чехова : [сайт]. URL: (дата обращения: 11.12.2012).
12. Hornby R. Script into Performance: A Structuralist Approach. N. Y., 1995.
Makarov A.
metatheatre, theatrical communication, dramatic conflict, dictatorship
Intonational means of expressing the "new" and the "given" categories in English, Russian and Spanish
The article explores the intonation means of expressing the "given" and the "new" in English, Russian and Spanish. It represents the results of phonetic research proving the difference in the nucleus’s role when signaling the new information in three languages.
1. Николаева Т. М. Нерешенные вопросы теории актуального членения // Вопросы языкознания. 1972. № 2. С. 35—47.
2. Bolinger D. Intonation across languages // J. P. Greenberg, C. A. Ferguson, E. A. Moravcsik. Universals...
Key features of organisational leadership in governmental executive bodies
Стилевые характеристики взаимодействия руководителя в управленческой структуре // Организационная психология: хрестоматия. СПб., 2000. С. 294—302.
Makarov S. N.
leadership, public administration, status characteristics of management agent.
Metaphor in teaching Polish as a foreign language
The problem of metaphor is considered in the context of glottodidactics through the example of the Polish language. The author poses the problem of identification and understanding of metaphors by students of Polish as a foreign language.
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Czytanie i pisanie // Kurs edynburski językoz
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ABC metodyki nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego. Kraków, 2005.
System Kształcenia...