The Baltic Region

2014 Issue №2(20)

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Human Resources of Post-war Lithuania and Their Role in the Rebuilding of Klaipeda



This article focuses on the issues of post-WWII economic restoration effort in the Soviet Lithuania. German occupation of the republic caused significant damage to its industry and agriculture. Pre-war Lithuania was an agrarian state aspiring to embark on an industrial-agrarian path of development. After the war, this aspiration did not only persist, but was intensified. To reach this objective, however, Lithuania required qualified workforce. Before the war, hardly any attention was paid to the training of workers for industrial-scale production and construction. Then, a considerable decrease in population during the war aggravated the already substantial labour shortage. The attempts of the republic’s leadership to solve the problems of labour shortage through organised labour migration and labour mobilisation yielded no significant results. The appeals to the Centre with the request to send a substantial number of specialists and workers to Lithuania were heard, but a state ravaged by war did not have sufficient human resources. One of the solution was the use of labour of German prisoners of war. A network of prisoner-of-war camps was established in Lithuania. In a matter of two to three years, PWs completed a significant amount of work aimed at the rebuilding of important infrastructural objects. The case of Klaipeda is used to demonstrate the opportunities of the region and Centre in organising workforce in the Lithuanian SSR. The study uses the data obtained by modern historiography and documents kept in the Lithuanian State Central Archive.


1. Meshkauskas, К. 1956, Podem jekonomiki Sovetskoj Litvy [Economic growth of Soviet Lithuania], Vilnius.
2. Shadzhyus, G. 1972, Istorija Litvy 1918—1940 gg. v burzhuaznoj istoriografii [History of Lithuania in 1918—1940. in bourgeois historiography]. Istorija SSSR [History of the USSR], no. 5.
3. Pjatiletie Sovetskoj Litvy [Five years of Soviet Lithuania], LCVA, F, R-755, Ap. 2, b. 34.
4. Balans trudovyh rezervov v LSSR [Balance of labor reserves in the Lithuanian SSR], LCVA, F, R-755. Ap. 2, b. 143.
5. Shadzhyus, G. 1970, K voprosu o likvidacii bezraboticy v Sovetskoj Litve v 1940—1941 gg. [On the question of the elimination of unemployment in Soviet Lithuania in 1940—1941], Pribaltijskim sovetskim respublikam tridcat' let [Baltic Soviet republics thirty years], Proceeding of the Conference of Academies of Sciences Institutes of History of the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian SSR, 1970,20—21 October, Vilnius.
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7. Raspredelenie pribyvshih rabochih po narkomatam i vedomstvam [Distribution of the People's Commissariat of workers arrived and agencies], LCVA, F, R-755, Ap. 2, b. 35.
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9. Kopija pravitel'stvennoj telegrammy zamestitelja upolnomochennogo Gosplana SSSR Kaspirovicha iz Vil'njusa v Moskvu, v upravlenie statistiki, 22 janvarja 1946 g. [A copy of a government telegram deputy commissioner of Gosplan Kaspirovich from Vilnius to Moscow, to Department of Statistics, January 22, 1946  1946, LCVA, F, R-363, Ap.1, b. 162.
10. Pis'mo A. Snechkusa narkomu vnutrennih del SSSR Kruglovu ob ispol'zovanii voennosluzhashhih na vosstanovitel'no-stroitel'nyh rabotah [Letter A. Snechkus People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Kruglov on the use of military personnel for the restoration and construction work], LCVA, F, R-755, Ap. 2, b. 159.
11. Pis'mo predsedatelja Gosplana Litovskoj SSR M. Shumauskasa A. Snechkusu o vypolnenii postanovlenija Sovmina Litvy ot 8 maja 1946 g. «Ob ispol'zovanii voennoplennyh na stroitel'no-montazhnyh rabotah» v Klajpede [Letter from the Chairman of the State Planning Commission of the Lithuanian SSR M. Shumauskasa A. Snieckus on the implementation of the Council of Ministers of Lithuania
Resolution on May 8, 1946, "On the use of prisoners of war on the construction and installation works" in Klaipeda], 1946, LCVA, F., R-754, Ap. 13, b. 68.
12. Dokladnaja zapiska zamestitelja sekretarja CK KP(b) Litvy Rimshelisa A. Snechkusu o rabote Klajpedskogo morskogo torgovogo porta [Memorandum from Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Lithuania Rimshelisa A. Snieckus of the commercial seaport of Klaipeda], LCVA, F, R-755, Ap. 2, b. 159.
13. Spravka CSU Soveta Ministrov Litovskoj SSR «Chislennost' gorodskogo naselenija po Litovskoj SSR na 1 ijunja 1946 g.» [Help CSO Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian SSR "The urban population of the Lithuanian SSR on June 1, 1946"], 1946, LCVA, F, R-363, Ap. 1, b. 162.
14. Otchet CSU Litovskoj SSR CSU Gosplana SSSR ob itogah registracii aktov grazhdanskogo sostojanija za 1946 g., dekabr' 1946 g. [Report CSB CSB Lithuanian SSR Gosplan on the outcome of civil registration in 1946, December 1946], 1946, LCVA, F, R-363, Ap. 1, b. 162. 15. O pervoocherednyh merah po vosstanovleniju narodnogo hozjajstva Klajpedy: postanovlenie SNK Litovskoj SSR i bjuro CK KP (b) Litvy, fevral' 1945 g. [On urgent measures to restore the national economy of Klaipeda: SNK decree of the Lithuanian SSR and the Bureau of the Central Committee of the CP (B) of Lithuania, February 1945], 1945, LCVA, F, R-755, Ap. 2, b. 34.
16. Spravka o zaselenii uezdov Klajpedskogo kraja po sostojaniju na 20 ijulja 1945 g. [Part of the settlement counties Klaipeda region as of July 20, 1945], 1945, LCVA, F, R-755, Ap. 2, b. 34.
17. O pereselenii krest'janskih hozjajstv i rabochih sovhozov v Klajpedskij, Shilutskij i Pagegjajskij uezdy iz drugih uezdov Litovskoj SSR: postanovlenie SNK Litovskoj SSR i CK KP(b) Litvy, 20 ijunja 1945 g. [On the resettlement farms and state farm workers in Klaipeda, Šilutė Pagegyaysky counties and other districts of the Lithuanian SSR: Decision of the CPC Central Committee of the Lithuanian SSR and the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Lithuania, June 20, 1945], 1945, LCVA, F, R-755, Ap. 2, b. 124.
18. O vypolnenii postanovlenija SNK Litovskoj SSR i CK KP(b) Litvy ot 20 ijunja 1945 g. № 128 o zaselenii Klajpedskogo kraja: postanovlenie SNK Litovskoj SSR [On the implementation of Decision of the CPC Central Committee of the Lithuanian SSR and the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Lithuania on June 20, 1945 № 128 on the settlement of the Klaipeda Region: Decision of the CPC of the Lithuanian SSR], 1945, LCVA, F, R-755, Ap. 2, b. 124.