The modern historiography on the gender aspects of the history of the First World War
This article describes the major issues in studying the gender aspects of the First World War in modern historiography. Major topics of studies include women on the battlefield and on the home front, gender-specific propa¬ganda, and the crisis of masculinity. The author argues that the explanation of history of societies during and after ...
Human Resources of Post-war Lithuania and Their Role in the Rebuilding of Klaipeda
... restoration effort in the Soviet Lithuania. German occupation of the republic caused significant damage to its industry and agriculture. Pre-war Lithuania was an agrarian state aspiring to embark on an industrial-agrarian path of development. After the war, this aspiration did not only persist, but was intensified. To reach this objective, however, Lithuania required qualified workforce. Before the war, hardly any attention was paid to the training of workers for industrial-scale production and construction....
The legitimation and criticism of violence in international law. A po¬litical science perspective
... article considers the practice of justification of arbitrary use of force, which poses a paradox and was not foreseen in Kant’s peace project. It is paradoxical because modern international law — unlike classical law — is aimed not at regulating wars but maintaining peace. However, the UN Charter provides for the right to self-defence before the collective resolution is adopted. Despite rather strict legal restrictions and international court procedures, cases of abuse of this right occur on ...
Kant on War and Peace in the Philosophy of the Enlightenment and German Idealism. Report of the Fourth Immanuel Kant International Summer School
This article presents a report of the Fourth Immanuel Kant International Summer School devoted to Kant’s doctrine of war and peace (24-31 July 2022), organised by the Academia Kantiana of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University with the support of the “Petersburg Dialog” Forum. The lectures of the School’s scientific supervisor, Alexei N. Krouglov, address ...
The concept of “memory wars” in contemporary studies of collective memory
The article analyses how the terms “memory wars” / “memorial wars” are applied in the contemporary research papers on conflicts of collective perceptions of the past. The author shows that in the late 1990s and early 2000s the concept was not yet associated exclusively with the political ...
An environmental analysis of the red-backed shrike’s and barred warbler’s nutrition in the conditions of sympatric habitation in natural and anthropogenic stations
We studied the features of altricial trophism in the barred warbler and red-backed shrike in 2004—2013. The collection of data on the nutrition of altricial chicks was carried out in the Ryazan region both in natural (Spas-Klepiki district) and in manmade (Ryazan outskirts) habitats. A comparative analysis of the data showed that both species are characterized by considerable dietary plasticity. In each station, the species composition of prey and the mass concentration of trophic groups differed...
Victories and defeats of General Barclay de Tolly in the novel by L. Tolstoy «War and Peace»
The article analyses various means of creating the image of Barclay de Tolly, a great Russian commander who played, according to historians, a decisive role in defeating Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812. The author concludes that his portraying in the novel was very powerful not only due to the re-creation of the dominating attitude towards the general of that time but also to Tolstoy’s philosophy of history. According to Tolstoy, the ...
The issues of the post-war demobilization of military officers (1945—1948)
The article analyses demobilization of officers of the USSR armed forces after the Great Patriotic war in 1945—1948. Six mobilization rounds were carried out to reduce the size of the Armed Forces during this period, and more than 1.3 million officers were dismissed. The original idea was to retain the officers special for their moral and professional ...