IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2023 Issue №3

Key guidelines of educational policy in the context of building a new model of higher education


The author examines the main aspects of the modern university activity related to the transformation of the educational system and current socio-cultural conditions of society. Possible strategies for organizing the educational process in a modern Russian university were formulated based on the integration of existing developments in higher education man­agement. These strategies create conditions for responding to the educational needs of young people, taking into account the value orientations of the youth community. The proposed solu­tions are based on the principles of interdisciplinarity, integration of science and education, flexibility, and adaptability. A model for designing and developing educational programs in the context of higher education transformation is described.

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The relationship between student’s tendency to manipulation and the results of project activities in university education


The results of a scientific study are presented, with participants being students enrolled in the Bachelor's program in "State and Municipal Management," whose future professional activities are closely related to interpersonal relationships in professional communication. The experimental base for the study was provided by the Western Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federa­tion (RANEPA). The students' inclination toward manipulation was assessed using T. Bant's scale. The research showed that the inclination to use manipulative techniques and methods in the process of project-based learning at the university negatively affects the overall results of project activities of individual creative groups.

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New integration practices of mathematics education into university digital educational environment for pre-service teacher training


The need for integration and digitization in the field of mathematical education for bache­lor students in pedagogical disciplines is being actualized during the transition from the SPOD (Stable, Predictable, Orderly, and Democratic) world to the VUCA (Volatile, Uncer­tain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world. The directions for modernization and integration in the teaching of modules and disciplines in the mathematical and information cycles under the conditions of digitization of mathematical education are presented. These directions open up new possibilities in the preparation of future mathematics teachers who are in demand in the labor market. The authors attempted to analyze the potential of disciplines in the mathemati­cal and information cycles in the context of interdisciplinary integration in the field of math­ematical education. Three directions for modernizing the teaching of the fundamentals of queueing theory are proposed (target aspect, organizational processes, substantive aspect of knowledge transfer), which include updating the goals of mathematical education for bachelor students in pedagogical disciplines, creating organizational infrastructure to ensure digitiza­tion and informatization of mathematical education, and updating its substantive aspect with algorithms for solving problems using tools of general and special-purpose software. The in­ternational experience of teaching queueing theory is presented, including the introduction of VR technologies, web quests into the educational process, as well as the use of software prod­ucts such as AnyLogic, Wolfram Alpha, and others.

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Digitalization of higher education in the context of the COVID-19 and the post-pandemic period: methodological problems


The article discusses expanding the research base in the field of educational psychology through the analysis of methodological issues that arose during the process of systemic digiti­zation of general and professional education in Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic and the post-pandemic period. Digitization during these periods accelerated the transformation of socialization through educational means in a virtual learning environment. The fundamental problem of digital transformation in education is that the digital format of education in its modern distance form contradicts the contemporary humanistic paradigm of education, char­acterized by the priority of subject-subject relationships, ideas of inclusion, and interests in socialization in the process of learning and upbringing. Prospects for further research lie in studying the transformation of modern educational methodology in the context of digitiza­tion, creating relevant psychological foundations for virtual pedagogical communication to develop social-emotional skills and emotional intelligence.

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