IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2022 Issue №2

Mental lexicon and language consciousness: similaritiea and discrapencies in research methodology


The article discusses the similarities and differences between the research methodology of the mental lexicon and language consciousness. Most studies of language consciousness do not differ in any significant way from studies of the mental lexicon, and this is not recognized or is hushed up by their authors. The problem of their differentiation is connected with the definition of language consciousness. The author of the article defines it as a psycholinguistic concept that shows how the internal and external factors for the functioning of a language as a human property are associated with changes in the meanings and senses of linguistic signs. This definition gives way to comparative psycholinguistic research, in which the comparison is based on the nature of the activities that representatives of different groups carry out regularly. Studies on language consciousness are similar to studies on mental lexicon in experimental procedures for obtaining empirical material and differ from them in general methodological principles arising from the definition of this concept, and in procedures for processing and theoretical analysis of empirical material. To distinguish itself from mental lexicon research, 1) language consciousness research must be comparative; 2) the comparison should be carried out on activities that are regular for at least one of the compared groups; 3) empirical material should be selected in such a way that it reflects the features of linguistic phenomena caused by this particular activity; 4) empirical material should be analyzed in such a way that identifies a regular (i. e. not random) influence on it from regular activities and personal assessment.

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The cognitive structures of the concept of SUCCESS in the Russian common mentality


The paper attempts to reconstruct the deep cognitive principles underlying the idea of success among native speakers of the Russian language. To this end, the concept of SUCCESS is examined in two aspects — onomasiology and deep semantics. For the first time, two models of success in the Russian linguistic mentality are identified, and the cognitive foundations of the semantic evolution of words included in the word-formation-etymological nest of the word success are shown. The closeness of the deep cognitive archetype of the success of quantum reality is hypothetically noted.

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The use of the photo corpus in the study of word-formation processes (on the derivatives with the prefix super-)


The paper analyzes the trends of prefix nominal derivation, identified on the data analysis represented in the National Photographic Corpus of the Polish language. It is shown that the analysis of derivatives with the prefix super-, functioning only in modern discursive practices, leads to unreasonable conclusions about the innovativeness of this process in the Polish language. The dated and localized photo citations collected in the photocorpus ensure the reliability of the data obtained, which allows us to assert that the addition of the prefix super- to the nominal parts of speech has been an active word-formation practice in the Polish language since the beginning of the XX century. The influence of Anglo-American linguistic and cultural globalization has led to an increase in the productivity of this model and to semantic specification of the prefix, which serves as a marker of an exclusively positive evaluation.

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The inclusive function of translation in the digital space of a modern museum


The article deals with museum communication in the virtual space of modern Internet platforms, which provide the user with the opportunity to discover masterpieces of world art. In the context of the pandemic, virtual museum visits have become especially relevant. The implementation of principles of accessibility and inclusion among foreign-speaking tourists / viewers requires museums and galleries to adapt exhibition texts and labels linguistically and culturally. The purpose of this study is to describe translation functions in a museum on the labels for exhibits presented on the Artefact digital platform within the framework of the Culture national project. Linguistic equality of museum visitors in a multicultural urban society is determined as an inclusive function of translation. The analysis of museum communication models, as well as the review of the best local and foreign practices in the translation aspect reveals that the role of lingua franca traditionally belongs to the English language in its simplified globalized version. In order to render general information about an artist or a work of art, the translation must meet the criteria of quality assessment and be performed by professionals, not by machine translation systems. The author provides practical recommendations for adapting museum texts.

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