IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2016 Issue №1

Practical classes in mathematics as a means to develop the research competence in students of technical universities


The article is devoted to the formation of research competence in technical university students in accordance with the requirements of relevant federal state educational standards. The authors focus on the preparedness of future engineers to conduct technical experiments, whose important component is the mathematical processing of experimental data and performance of simulation experiments. It is proposed to develop such skills during practical classes in mathematics considered as a means to develop research competences.

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The contribution of TV commercials to the development of self-care behaviour in the youth


This article focuses on the research results of the influence of TV commercials on the formation of self-care behavior models in the youth. It is shown that the formation of relevant attitudes and the adoption of self-care behavior models is strongly affected by the contents of the TV media space.

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‘Learned helplessness’ in older preschool children with arrested mental development


This article presents the results of a pilot study into learned helplessness in preschool children with arrested mental development. The authors describe the testing of methods for studying a child’s behavior models and identify key characteristics of older preschool children with AMD, typical of learned helplessness. The features of emotional, cognitive, conative, and motivational deficiencies in preschool children with AMD are considered.

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A theoretical framework for consulting in the field of a university professor's professional activity


This article presents results of the authors’ theoretical and sociological studies of consulting in the field of a university professor’s professional activity. The authors stress the need for consulting within the system-synergetic and praxeological approaches based on the key principles of andragogy and contextual training theory. The major provisions of the game technology paradigm of pedagogical activity serves as the basis for pedagogical consulting. The product of consulting is professors’ decisions to alter their professional activities. These decisions are perceived as made on one’s own and therefore they have to be implemented.

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