The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Ansatasiya’s Amnesia”
AbstractThe second article of the series considers the role of the vegetative code in conveying the core of N. Kononov’s hidden semantic system, namely, the de-velopment of the dual and the plural from the singular I (ego). The paronymy between the Russian koren (root) and the English corn makes it possible to progress to the Russian ovyos (oats), which represents this development in different linguistic transformations. It is shown how the description of the vegetative cycle of oats (or the singularity/duality and plurality of subjects) is used to develop a time continuum, i. e. the year circle. The generation mechanism is opposed to the process of fragmentation and the identification of enti-ties and temporal intervals, which results in the instability of their ontological status. Everything becomes fiction. The article considers the forms of the au-thor’s presence in the system of hidden codes.