IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2015 Issue №8

Evaluative lexis as a component of subjective modality in the Russian handwritten newspaper Vesti-kuranty


Based on the materials of the handwritten Vesti-Kuranty newspaper, this article analyses the functional significance of evaluative lexis — adjective, adverbs, and nouns with subjective modal meanings conveying expressive emotional reactions of the author of a newspaper text to the described histori-cal events, as well as the temper and actions of its participants.

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The implementation of interrogative imperative modality in the headlines of media texts: The case of news portals


Based on the texts from Russian news portals, this article considers the functional semantic and communicative pragmatic features of using structure representing interrogative imperative modality in the headlines. The author analyses the occurrence and typology of identified examples, as well as their functionality in the context of a headline’s communicative objectives.

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