IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2014 Issue №8

The orientation function of a newspaper headline as a key component of its pragmatics


The orientation function of newspaper headlines is considered as one of its major pragmatic properties. Special attention is paid to analysing verbal and non-verbal means of headline implementation of headlines that significantly increase its pragmatic potential. The study is based on headlines of the Russian federal and regional press of 2010-2013.

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The heterogeneity of university website discourse


This article considers the discourse of university websites as a type of computer mediated communication. It is shown that university website discourse is of heterogeneous nature. The author analyses the interaction of educational, scientific, and advertising discourses. Special attention is paid to the employed communication strategies and the linguistic means of their implementation. The study is based on the official websites of the leading Russian universities.

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Linguistic means of expressing strategies and tactics in the texts of charter documents of a volunteer organisation


This article presents the results of a communicative study of the charter documents of “Proryv” volunteer centre. The author describes the main communicative strategies and tactics used in the regulations on the centre establishment and job descriptions to express the communicative purpose of regulating department and employee activities. The author identifies the linguistic means of implementing said strategies and tactics in the texts of these documents.

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The functioning of performatives in the texts of documents: The case of appeal letters


This article deals with the functional and semantic features of performative verbs in the texts of documents. Performatives are defined as significant structure and content components of text solving the pragmatic task of establishing the contact between the addresser and addressee. The author identifies the communicative and pragmatic features of this genre of documents in view of its subgenre types.

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