IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Philology, Pedagogy, Psychology

2013 Issue №5

On the connection between the phenomena of corporeity and welfare in the adolescent self-awareness


This article considers two phenomena of adolescent self-adolescence: the awareness of one's bodily experience and psychological well-being. The author puts forward a hypothesis that these phenomena might be connected. An empirical study helps identify three groups of test persons: those with vital, conformal, and personal reflection types of bodily capacities. The article emphasizes the positive relation between the level of bodily capacity awareness and the level of general psychological well-being.

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School lifestyle as a pedagogical category and a phe-nomenon of reality


This article analyzes approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “school lifestyle” and compares it with the concepts of “school climate”, “school spirit”, and “hidden education”. The article offers the author's understanding of school lifestyle as a well-established form of everyday school life. The key components of lifestyle are as follows: axiological, subjective-environmental, and structural- procedural ones. It is shown that the most important conditions of the school lifestyle formation are school life traditions and the school’s organizational structure.

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The use of MOS-SF-36 health survey for identifying specific psychological characteristics in primary school students with somatic pathologies


This article reports the results of a study into the quality of life of younger students with the help of MOS-SF-36 survey. Its information capacity is proved in case of identifying the psychological health components of health in children who suffered from iron deficiency anemia at a younger age. The author identified the long-term adverse effect of iron deficiency on the cognitive development and psychological health at primary school age.

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Theoretical problems of developing a healthcare strategy for students within a regional education system


The author's treatment of key concepts and terms of strategic planning is given in the article in relation to health protection of those studying within an education system, namely, the concept and strategy of health protection, strategic choice of education system, the purpose of students’ health protection, the object and agent of health protection strategy. Preventive adaptability is interpreted as a characteristic feature of strategic planning of student’s health protection.

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The problems of health protection socialisation of children at pre-school educational institutions


This article focuses on the results of health behavior diagnostic of pre-school children. They indicate that pre-school education is the only element of education system that pays attention to children’s healthcare and development of health skills. This article discusses the problems of healthcare socialization of children at pre-school educational institutions and possible

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An assessment of relations of an individual in the immediate social environment on the basis of social network analysis


This article examines the psychological aspect of criteria for evaluating an individual’s position within the structure of relations in the community they belong to. The author shows how statistical methods used in analyzing social networks can help obtain information on the degree and type of the individual’s involvement into the system of relations and identifies the psychological significance of the actor’s centrality within a social network as a degree of the individual’s involvement into the immediate environments and the institutional system of relations.

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Parental support and psychological health of children and adolescents


This article describes the features of parental support as a socio-psychological phenomenon and its relation to psychosomatic health (depression, anxiety, and somatization) in children and adolescents. The author presents a probability structural- functional model of parental support covering its content, components, and functions. Congruity, accessibility, and complementarity are suggested as efficiency criteria.

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Children’s subculture as a component of social development of older pre-school children


This article discusses the features of psychological impact of culture (the communicative component of children’s subculture) on social development of a child of an older pre-school age. Children’s subculture should be considered as one of the essential factors of social development of preschool children.

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