IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2024 Issue №2

Influence of anthropogenic factors on the activity of ticks of the family Ixodidae: history of research in Russia


While studying the characteristics of the formation and existence of foci of transmissible tick-borne infections, it is essential to consider both natural and anthropogenic factors. The impact of human activity on this process undoubtedly requires constant attention. Retrospective studies conducted in our country and the post-Soviet space within this framework are systematized in this review according to the following periodization: the observation and knowledge accumulation stage; the fundamental research enhancement stage; and the contemporary stage. The review provides a characterization and trend analysis of studies on the anthropogenic impact on populations of ticks from the Ixodidae family, highlighting the most significant scientific works and results obtained on the subject. The concluding section emphasizes the importance of accumulating and structuring research to ensure the epidemiological well-being of the population.

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Mapping of noise pollution in urbanized areas as a tool for creating a comfortable human environment


The article considers the issues of balanced functioning of urbanized territories (including urban environments) as objects of social ecology. The aim of this work is to analyze the current state of the urban environment in terms of noise pollution and the creation of thematic environmental maps of urban noise pollution. Using statistical methods, the authors justified the need for such maps and identified the main problems arising in their development. It was empirically confirmed that noise pollution has significantly increased across Russia against the backdrop of a steady growth in urban population. The experience of Russian developers of noise pollution maps was analyzed, showing how these maps can help in creating a comfortable living environment. The medical-ecological approach and statistical data analysis revealed a correlation between noise pollution in urbanized areas and negative social consequences for the population living in these areas. These consequences include not only an increase in diseases, such as cardiovascular and nervous system disorders, but also a general reduction in active life years. A unique aspect of the study is the approach to the problem from the perspective of creating spaces with positive soundscapes in urban environments and reflecting these on noise pollution maps. The necessity of such research is driven by the specifics of human adaptive mechanisms, which are unable to quickly adjust to changes in the environment. The conclusion is made that to mitigate the impact of noise pollution on the physical and psychological state of individuals, it is necessary to change the pattern of urban development towards an expanded understanding of functional zoning in urban areas.

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