IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2023 Issue №2

Geoecological aspects of various types of archaeological sites in the North-West of the Russian Plain


The study of geo-ecological factors allows not only to determine the nature of human economic activities but also reveals natural influences affecting the placement of archaeologi­cal objects in the past. Special attention is given to «Stone piles» («Lappish cairns») — stone piles widely found within the studied territory. Despite years of archaeological research, the nature of these structures remains enigmatic, though archaeological artifacts are often absent. The application of geo-chemical research methods enables the assessment of ancient human impact on the surrounding environment and also provides insights into their activities and motivations for selecting specific locations. Analysis of geo-chemical indicators such as SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, CaO, Fe2O3 helps reveal distinct microrelief features. The examination of an­thropogenic activity-related geo-chemical modules within the archaeological site, such as P2O5(anthrop), CaO(anthrop), K2O(anthrop), Rb(anthrop), facilitates the reconstruction of functional zones within the site and identifies the type of economic activities conducted there. This study has for the first time identified geo-ecological factors influencing various types of archaeologi­cal sites, including settlements, burial grounds, and ritual objects. Through the analysis of geo-chemical, archaeological, and landscape parameters, it was possible to establish the influ­ence of these factors on the distribution of such objects in the past.

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Methods of combating hogweed (Heracleum spondylium) and the possibility of their application in the Kaliningrad region


The study deals with the problem of the hogweed thickets spread and ways to solve this issue. Initially, hogweed was grown in the USSR for livestock feed, but it grew uncontrollably and became a threat to the local flora and humans. The study describes a variety of control methods for hogweed, including chemical, electrochemical, and mechanical methods, as well as grazing and mulching. The methods have been evaluated and compared, and it is suggested that an integrated approach combining several methods may be the most effective solution. However, the characteristics of the affected area, the age of the plants and the use of the affect­ed land must be taken into account to determine the appropriate method. In conclusion, pre­ventive measures are proposed to stop the spread of hogweed seeds.

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