IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2022 Issue №2

The influence of urbanization on the morphometric indicators of women (the case of the indigenous peoples of the north)


The period of the development of the Northern Territories, the process of urbanization, the mixing of blood had a negative impact on the way of life formed for centuries, morphometric indicators and, accordingly, on the health of the indigenous peoples of the North. The authors compared the morpho­met­ric indicators of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the north living in camps, in rural areas and migrating to the city. A retrospective analysis of the birth histories selected by the continuous sampling method was carried out. Statistical processing relied on the SPSS, Statistica 8.0 software package, as well as the Microsoft Excel analysis package. Most often, women from among the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the north living in the city were underweight, while growth rates approached the newcomer population. The circumference of the hips and abdomen was statistically significantly higher among the small peoples of the North migrating to the city in comparison with those living in the village, as well as complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Newborns had the highest Apgar scores among the indigenous peoples living in the village. Thus, these studies allow us to conclude that for the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, the processes associated with the development of the North, urbanization, changes in nutrition, blood mixtures led to a change in morphometric indicators and negatively affected the course of childbirth and, accordingly, the health of newborns.

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Disturbance of the vaginal microbiome and the risk of HIV infection in women: analysis of scientific studies


Women are the core population group responsible for new HIV infections and the persistence of the HIV pandemic. A key determinant of susceptibility to HIV infection is the composition of the vaginal microbiome, which can influence the local immune cell population and inflammation status. While a low diversity microbial composition dominated by Lactobacillus crispatus is associated with a reduced risk of HIV infection, a high microbial diversity environment associated with bacterial vaginosis increases the risk of HIV infection. Given the important role of the vaginal microbiome in determining HIV susceptibility, changing the microbiome towards Lactobacillus spp. dominance is an attractive additional strategy to reduce the incidence of HIV infection. The review provides an analysis of the mechanisms and factors by which the vaginal microbiome can contribute to HIV infection. Most viral infections begin to develop on the mucous membranes. At the same time, the female reproductive tract has a unique susceptibility to viral infection, since tissue-specific immunity must cause rapid antimicrobial responses to patho­gens, while maintaining tolerance to spermatozoids. In addition, the vagina is lined with stratified squamous epithelium in which continuous cell turnover occurs, a process that requires cells to differentiate without provoking an in­flam­matory immune response. This defines a susceptibility unique to wo­men of reproductive age, who are at disproportionate risk of morbidity and mor­ta­lity associated with viral pathogens such as HIV infection.

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Results of surgical treatment of obstructive uropathies in children depending on the level and degree of obstruction


The study assessed the functional state of the kidneys and urodynamics in 207 patients aged 3 to 17, depending on the degree, level and type of conge­ni­tal obstruction of the upper urinary tract. The congenital hydronephrosis was found in 151 children of those, the obstructive ureterohydronephrosis — in 30, and refluxing ureterohydronephrosis in 26 patients. The transformation of the kidney and upper urinary tract in obstructive uropathy in children before and after surgical treatment was monitored with the help of ultrasound and X-ray methods. The results showed that in grade II urinary tract obst­ruc­tion, the rate of good outcomes after reconstructive surgery was significantly higher than in grade III, regardless of the cause of the congenital obstruction. The frequency of satisfactory and unsatisfactory postoperative results also de­pended on the degree of initial obstruction.

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