IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2022 Issue №2

Research methodology and geoecological assessment of watersheds of small water currents of polder lands in the Kaliningrad region


Chemical pollution of watercourses can be considered as one of the integral indicators of the geoecological state of the catchment area. Such an indicator is most likely to be taken into account in the two-way interaction of a person with watercourses, both for a water user and a negative impact on them, since in both cases, water quality very often comes high in priority. Thanks to the analysis of data on pollution, it is possible to find out its sour­ces, both anthropogenic and natural, the dominant pollutants, together with their intensity and dynamics, the need for treatment and environmental pro­tec­tion measures and their nature, and more. Hydrochemical indicators, the back­ground of water pollution assessment, can be roughly divided into 2 groups: qualitative (concentration of chemicals) and quantitative (mass of che­mi­cals). If the concentrations of certain chemicals can be obtained in labo­ra­to­ry conditions, using the methods described in the regulatory documents adop­ted in the territory of the Russian Federation, then obtaining their mass indicators, for a certain period of time, is not a trivial task. The main methods for calculating this characteristic indicate the need for a diverse and capacious information base, which is almost completely absent for the polder lands of the region. The aim of the work is to develop a methodological approach for obtai­ning a geoecological indicator represented by a quantitative indicator of pollu­ting chemicals in water, leveling the information deficit, by means of a coup­led analysis of available, but very limited hydrological, hydrochemical and geoecological data. To achieve the goal, hydrological calculations, full-scale and retrospective hydro-chemical researches were carried out, geoecological cha­racteristics were analyzed. The work resulted in creating methodological sup­port for obtaining an additional indicator for the assessment of the geo­ecological state of the basins of small streams of polder lands in the Kali­nin­grad region.

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Typology of the dynamics of nature management systems in the North-West of Russia and the Baltic countries


Environmental and land management systems at the regional level are the main object of management at large. The scripts for developing manage­ment programs include analysis and assessment of the regional environmental ma­nagement system and the history of its setup, identification of the main trends, development of the most rational scenarios for its development and cor­rection based on monitoring.

The article considers the main provisions of the concept plan of regional nature management systems, characterizes polychronic elements, and propo­ses approaches to the typology of the dynamics of nature management in re­gions. The analysis of similar management systems in the North-West of Rus­sia and the Baltic countries from 1910—14 to 2016—19 identified the main direc­tions of the dynamics of nature management and proposed their typo­logy. Synchronous multifactorial analysis of changes in the territorial and functional structure of nature management in the region made it possible to determine the factors that determine its dynamics. The most significant events which caused a radical transformation of the systems of nature management in the North-West of Russia and the Baltic countries include both World Wars, the economic crisis of the 1930s, government programs for economic recovery in the mid-1950s, the economic and political crisis of the early 1990s years and economic support programs that have been in effect since the early 2000s, sanctions and anti-sanctions.

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