IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2019 Issue №2

An assessment of the role of green belts in creating comfortable microclimatic conditions in summer


Against the background of global warming and a decline in urban vegeta­tion, they pose a danger of overheating in summer. In this article, we stress the significance of green spaces as a principal factor in reducing the overheat­ing of urban surfaces. We analyse a high-rise residential area in the left-bank part of the city of Voronezh to perform a simulation of microclimatic condi­tions in summer. The following parameters were used as background climatic conditions: the day of the summer solstice, cloudless and calm weather, air temperature 25° C. We assessed the level of thermal comfort in the current landscaping situation in the residential area, taking into account proposed cli­mate improvement initiatives, particularly, planting evergreen and decidu­ous trees. We evaluated the level of thermal comfort using the PMV index. In the current landscaping situation, the residential area studied is severely overheat­ed. Our simulation, which allows for the effects of planted trees, shows a reduc­tion in the PMV index in parks enjoyed by children and adults. The reduction is accounted for by a decrease in the average radiation tempera­ture.

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Urban Development Programme of the Kaliningrad Region


The development of the architectural and urban planning policy in the Kaliningrad region requires the elaboration of a long-term strategy based on the principles of sustainable development. This strategy aims at creating a favourable living environment and achieving a balance of economic, social and environmental interests.

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