Localization of large business in coastal zones as a factor of transboundary clustering (on the example of the European part of Russia)
AbstractThe factors and features of localization of large business interests in 14 European coastal regions of Russia are analyzed. It is shown that the interest of large business in the coastal zones is commonly associated with the concentration of large oil and gas fields (on the shelf and in the coastal zone), with the logistics tasks (export-import operations), and (to a lesser extent, mainly Black Sea coast) with the implementation of certain recreational projects. Localization of large business (its head offices, branches, individual enterprises) is also conditioned by the general trend for economic activities, infrastructure and population to get advanced to the sea (some parts of the coast), which serves as one of the significant factors (and indicators) of economic activity, and cross-border clustering. Focusing on the most important seaports (Novorossiysk, Ust-Luga, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, etc.) cross-border activity of large business acquires trans-aquatorial properties and characteristics; clustering, thus, receives additional impulses, while the clusters demonstrate networking, dispersed forms in their development.