IKBFU's Vestnik. Series: Natural and Medical Sciences

2014 Issue №1

On the discovery of rare and extinct plant species in the Kaliningrad region


This article focuses on the history of some rare species in the Kaliningrad region. The authors provide information on new locations of the species’ occurrence in the Kaliningrad region. The article contains a schematic map of new discoveries of rare and extinct species in the Kaliningrad region. A geobotanical analysis of the mentioned biotopes is conducted. The authors present preliminary qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the cenopopulations of these species.

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The lichen flora of Zadovskoye raised bog in the Slavsk district of the Kaliningrad region


This article provides a historical overview of studies into the lichen flora of raised bogs of the Kaliningrad region. A list of the lichens of the Zadovskoye raised bog (Slavsk district, Kaliningrad region) as well as a taxonomic analysis and data on the ecology of lichens are presented. A schematic map of the occurrence of lichens on Zadovskoe bog is given. The article contains a comparative table of the lichen flora of raised bogs in the Kaliningrad region.

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Life forms of the Cardiidae on the Kaliningrad sea coast


This article focuses on the similarity and differences between the morphometric characteristics of subfossil shells of bivalve molluscs found in the wrack zone of the Kaliningrad beaches of the Baltic Sea. It is established that the most stable feature of the species level is the number of radial ribs and the most volatile one is the ω coefficient describing the content of calcium in the environment of the Cardiidae.

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