Author-coined terminology in Russian verse theory: the formalist legacy
... Mikhail Gasparov; slovorazdel [word boundary], a term coined by Osip Brik, which has lost its association with Formalist terminology in modern-day use; and, eventually, dol’nik [strict accentual verse], one of the most debated concepts in Russian verse studies (the difference between this concept and the related but defunct concept of pauznik [pause-based verse] is also discussed). The concluding section of the article is devoted to the history of the overarching term for verse studies, stikhovedenie ...
Vladimir Bibikhin: the connoisseur of poetry and the poet
... Philosophy. Sotsiologicheskoe obozrenie [Russian Sociological Review], 18 (3), pp. 195—223 (in Russ.).
Romanenko, Yu., 2015. Living Mirror and Wise Ignorance (Vivum speculum et docta ignorantia). Stasis, 3 (1), pp. 268—287 (in Russ.).
Bibikhin, verse studies, philosophy of culture, intellectual history of the USSR, stagnation, myth of the poet, poet's reputation, transitional era, change of cultural epochs
Markov A.V.