Kant's basic idea
... moral ontology dominated by things in themselves, which provide the basis for the moral world order: God, soul, and freedom. Kant's epistemology, teleology and anthropology are determined by the attempt to prove the possibility of such world order. The ultimate end of this order is a human as a moral being, the thinking, experience, and knowledge of which are consistent with this end.
1. Голосовкер Я. Э. Достоевский и Кант: Размышление читателя над романом ...
A. A. Fet as a theoretical and practical adherent of pure art¬ and the prob-lem of the nature of poetry
... organise the world of the social. The principle of purity characteristic of Kant’s philosophy was applied by A. Fet to art. It means that art for art’s sake is not limited to aesthetic values but includes their whole range. A. Fet gives the role of the ultimate end and value to poetry and thus philosophical poetry. The poet-thinker is his ideal of a poet.
1. Белый А. История становления самосознающей души // Белый А. Душа самосознающая. М., 1999....